For You to Read
安妮日记英文版 - FOREWORD
  Anne Frank kept a diary from June 12, 1942, to August 1, 1944. Initially, she wrote it strictly for herself. Then, one day in 1944, Gerrit Bolkestein, a member of the Dutch government in exile, announced in a radio broadcast from London that after the war he hoped to collect eyewitness accounts of the suffering of the Dutch people under the German occupation, which could be made available to the public. As an example, he specifically mentioned letters and diaries.Impressed by this speech, Anne Frank decided that when the war was over she would publish a book based on her diary. She began rewriting and editing her diary, improving on the text, omitting passages she didn't think were interesting enough and adding others from memory. At the same time, she kept up her original diary. In the scholarly work The Diary of Anne Frank: The Critical Edition (1989), Anne's first, unedited diary is referred to as version a, to distinguish it from her second, edited diary, which is known as version b.The last entry in Anne's diary is dated August 1, 1944. On August 4, 1944, the eight people hiding in the Secret Annex were arrested. Miep Gies and Bep Voskuijl, the two secretaries working in the building, found Anne's diaries strewn allover the floor. ,Miep Gies tucked them away in a desk drawer for safekeeping. After the war, when it became clear that Anne was dead, she gave the diaries, unread, to Anne's father, Otto Frank.After long deliberation, Otto Frank decided to fulfill his daughter's wish and publish her diary. He selected material from versions a and b, editing them into a shorter version later referred to as version c. Readers all over the world know this as The Diary of a fauna Girl.In making his choice, Otto Frank had to bear several points in mind. To begin with, the book had to be kept short so that it would fit in with a series put out by the Dutch publisher. In addition, several passages dealing with Anne's sexuality were omitted; at the time of the diary's initial publication, in 1947, it was not customary to write openly about sex, and certainly not in books for young adults. Out of respect for the dead, Otto Frank also omitted a number of unflattering passages about his wife and the other residents of the Secret Annex. Anne Frank, who was thirteen when she began her diary and fifteen when she was forced to stop, wrote without reserve about her likes and dislikes.When Otto Frank died in 1980, he willed his daughter's manuscripts to the Netherlands State Institute for War Documentation in Amsterdam. Because the authenticity of the diary had been challenged ever since its publication, the Institute for War Documentation ordered a thorough investigation. Once the diary was proved, beyond a shadow of a doubt, to be genuine, it was published in its entirety, along with the results of an exhaustive study. The Critical Edition contains not only versions a, band c, but also articles on the background of the Frank family, the circumstances surrounding their arrest and deportation, and the examination into Anne's handwriting, the document and the materials used.The Anne Frank-Fonds (Anne Frank Foundation) in Basel (Switzerland),. Which as Otto Frank's sole heir had also inherited his daughter's copyrights, then decided to have anew, expanded edition of the diary published for general readers. This new edition in no way affects the integrity of the old one originally edited by Otto Frank, which brought the diary and its message to millions of people. The task of compthng the expanded edition was given to the writer and translator Mirjam Pressler. Otto Frank's original selection has now been supplemented with passages from Anne's a and b versions. Mirjam Pressler's definitive edition, approved by the Anne Frank-Fonds, contains approximately 30 percent more material and is intended to give the reader more insight into the world of Anne Frank.In writing her second version (b), Anne invented pseudonyms for the people who would appear in her book. She initially wanted to call herself Anne Aulis, and later Anne Robin. Otto Frank opted to call his family by their own names and to follow Anne's wishes with regard to the others. Over the years, the identity of the people who helped the family in the Secret Annex has become common knowledge. In this edition, the helpers are now referred to by their real names, as they so justly deserve to be. All other persons are named in accordance with the pseudonyms in The Critical Edition. The Institute for War Documentation has arbitrarily assigned initials to those persons wishing to remain anonymous.The real names of the other people hiding in the Secret Annex are:THE VAN PELS FAMILY(from Osnabriick, Germany):Auguste van Pels (born September 9, 1890) Hermann van Pels (born March 31, 1889) Peter van Pels (born November 8, 1926)Called by Anne, in her manuscript: Petronella, Hans and Alfred van Daan; and in the book: Petronella, Hermann and Peter van Daan.FRITZ PFEFFER (born April 30, 1889, in Giessen, Germany):Called by Anne, in her manuscript and in the book: Alfred Dussel.The reader may wish to bear in mind that much of this edition is based on the b version of Anne's diary, which she wrote when she was around fifteen years old. Occasionally, Anne went back and commented on a passage she had written earlier. These comments are clearly marked in this edition. Naturally, Anne's spelling and linguistic errors have been corrected. Otherwise, the text has basically been left as she wrote it, since any attempts at editing and clarification would be inappropriate in a historical document.
章节:87 人气:0
摘要:第一章疑云(1)陈述约瑟夫?胡乐塔贝耶的这段奇妙经历时,我的心情一直都很激动。时至今日,他还在坚决反对我讲出这段仍然留有谜团的不可思议的故事,而这个故事,确实可以称为过去十五年中最为奇妙的悬疑故事。如果不是著名的斯坦森教授最近在晚间杂志《荣誉军团》的一篇文章中提议,我甚至认为大家永远都不会知道这件著名的黄色房间案件的全部事实了。 [点击阅读]
章节:44 人气:0
摘要:人世间,每隔五十年,或者一百年,要发生一次异常怪的事情。这如同天地异变、大规模战争和瘟疫大流行一样,比人们的恶梦和小说家变的凭空臆想要怪诞得多。人间社会不啻不头庞然巨兽,不知什么时候患上莫名其妙的怪病,脾气会因此变得乖戾反常,不可捉摸。因而,世上往往会突如其来地发生一些不可思议的事情。其中,关于“黄金面具”的荒唐无稽的风情,兴许可算作这每五十年或者每一百年发生一次的社会疯狂和变态吧。 [点击阅读]
章节:23 人气:0
摘要:……这个狂乱的深渊是“自然”的胎盘,恐怕也是坟墓既不是海也不是地,不是风不是火所构成,而是这些元素的纷然杂陈产生了原子,因此必然不断纷争、战乱一直到那万能的创造主把它们用做黑色的材料去建造新世界。那时那深思熟虑的魔王站在地狱的岸边,向那狂乱的深渊观看了一会儿,思虑前去的航程。——约翰?米尔顿《失乐园》第二卷朱维之译,上海译文出版社1984年11月第一版。 [点击阅读]
章节:19 人气:0
摘要:不要引用题词,它们只会扼杀作品中的神秘!——阿德利尽管扼杀神秘,杀死倡导神秘的假先知!——巴赫替如梦在甜蜜而温暖的黑暗中趴着熟睡,背上盖一条蓝格子棉被,棉被凹凸不平地铺满整张床,形成阴暗的山谷和柔软的蓝色山丘。冬日清晨最早的声响穿透了房间:间歇驶过的轮车和老旧公车;与糕饼师傅合伙的豆奶师傅,把他的铜罐往人行道上猛敲;共乘小巴站牌前的尖锐哨音。铅灰色的冬日晨光从深蓝色的窗帘渗入房里。 [点击阅读]
章节:11 人气:0
摘要:《荒原》是长篇小说《黑暗塔》的第三部。这部长篇小说的灵感来自于,甚至从某种程度上可以说依赖于罗伯特·布朗宁的叙事长诗《去黑暗塔的罗兰少爷归来》。第一部小说《枪侠》说的是罗兰,这个已经“转换”的世界里惟一幸存的枪侠,如何一路追踪并最终赶上了黑衣人,那个名叫沃特的魔法师。当中世界尚未分裂之前,沃特曾虚伪地与罗兰的父亲交好。 [点击阅读]
章节:19 人气:0
摘要:《三张牌》是长篇小说《黑暗塔》的第二部。《黑暗塔》的故事灵感在某种程度上来自罗伯特·勃朗宁的叙事诗《去黑暗塔的罗兰少爷归来》(其实这部作品亦受莎士比亚剧作《李尔王》的影响)。《黑暗塔》的第一部《枪侠》,交代了罗兰作为一个“转换”了的世界的最后一名枪侠, [点击阅读]
章节:68 人气:0
摘要:“对我来说,最佳的效果是读者在阅读我的小说时因心脏病发作而死去。”——斯蒂芬·金金用他那魔鬼般的手指一拨,所有紧绷的心弦都为之轰响,在一阵惊悸又一阵心跳中,带你进入颤栗的深渊……让我们开宗明义:如果还有谁不知道这斯的为何方怪物, [点击阅读]
章节:28 人气:0
摘要:“砍他,”马辛说,“砍他,我要站在这儿看。我要看血流出来。快点,别让我说第二遍。”——乔治·斯达克:《马辛的方式》人们真正的生活开始于不同的时期,这一点和他们原始的肉体相反。泰德·波蒙特是个小男孩,他出生在新泽西州伯根菲尔德市的里杰威,他真正的生活开始于1960年。那年,有两件事在他身上发生。第一件事决定了他的一生,而第二件事却几乎结束了他的一生。那年,泰德·波蒙特十一岁。 [点击阅读]
章节:28 人气:0
摘要:.1.今天轮到索玛斯小姐泡茶。索玛斯小姐是资历最浅、效率最差的打字员。她年纪不小了,面孔温驯多虑,像绵羊似的。水还没开,索玛斯小姐就倒水去冲茶叶,可怜她一向搞不清壶水有没有沸腾。她一生有许多烦恼,这也是其中之一。她倒好茶,将茶杯放在每个茶碟上,各加两片软绵绵的甜饼干。 [点击阅读]
章节:30 人气:0
摘要:用另一种囚禁生活来描绘某一种囚禁生活,用虚构的故事来陈述真事,两者都可取——丹尼尔-笛福①——①丹尼尔-笛福(1660-1731),英国十八世纪名作家,著有《鲁滨孙飘流记》等。故事的题材取自四十年代的某一年在奥兰城发生的一些罕见的事情。以通常的眼光来看,这些不太寻常的事情发生得颇不是地方。乍看起来,奥兰只不过是一座平淡无奇的城市,只不过是法属阿尔及利亚沿海的一个省城而已。 [点击阅读]