For You to Read
安妮日记英文版 - TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 1942
  TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 1942Dearest Kitty,The strangest things happen to you when you're in hiding! Try to picture this. Because we don't have a bathtub, we wash ourselves in a washtub, and because there's only hot water in the office (by which I mean the entire lower floor), the seven of us take turns making the most of this great opportunity. But since none of us are alike and are all plagued by varying degrees of modesty, each member of the family has selected a different place to wash. Peter takes a bath in the office kitchen, even though it has a glass door. When it's time for his bath, he goes around to each of us in turn and announces that we shouldn't walk past the kitchen for the next half hour. He considers this measure to be sufficient. Mr. van D. takes his bath upstairs, figuring that the safety of his own room outweighs the difficulty of having to carry the hot water up all those stairs. Mrs. van D. has yet to take a bath; she's waiting to see which is the best place. Father bathes in the private office and Mother in the kitchen behind a fire screen, while Margot and I have declared the front office to be our bathing grounds. Since the curtains are drawn on Saturday afternoon, we scrub ourselves in the dark, while the one who isn't in the bath looks out the window through a chink in the curtains and gazes in wonder at the endlessly amusing people.A week ago I decided I didn't like this spot and have been on the lookout for more comfortable bathing quarters. It was Peter who gave me the idea of setting my washtub in the spacious office bathroom. I can sit down, turn on the light, lock the door, pour out the water without anyone's help, and all without the fear of being seen. I used my lovely bathroom for the first time on Sunday and, strange as it may seem, I like it better than any other place.The plumber was at work downstairs on Wednesday, moving the water pipes and drains from the office bathroom to the hallway so the pipes won't freeze during a cold winter. The plumber's visit was far from pleasant. Not only were we not allowed to run water during the day, but the bathroom was also off-limits. I'll tell you how we handled this problem; you may find it unseemly of me to bring it up, but I'm not so prudish about matters of this kind. On the day of our arrival, Father and I improvised a chamber pot, sacrificing a canning jar for this purpose. For the duration of the plumber's visit, canning jars were put into service during the daytime to hold our calls of nature. As far as I was concerned, this wasn't half as difficult as having to sit still all day and not say a word. You can imagine how hard that was for Miss Quack, Quack, Quack. On ordinary days we have to speak in a whisper; not being able to talk or move at all is ten times worse.After three days of constant sitting, my backside was stiff and sore. Nightly calisthenics helped.Yours, Anne
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摘要:欧文·威尔士,苏格兰著名作家,曾凭借《猜火车》一书被称为“药物时代的桂冠诗人”。这本书因为真实描绘苏格兰地区的下层人民生活而成名,其在1996年改编成电影,更是成为经典。一九五八年出生于爱丁堡雷斯市,他是个广受赞誉的苏格兰小说家,《猜火车》是他第一部,也是最著名的作品。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:事件之章野野口修的笔记一事情发生在四月十六日、星期二。那天下午三点半我从家里出发,前往日高邦彦的住处。日高家距离我住的地方仅隔一站电车的路程,到达车站改搭巴士,再走上一小段路的时间,大约二十分钟到了。平常就算没什么事,我也常到日高家走走,不过那天却是有特别的事要办。这么说好了,要是错过那天,我就再也见不到他了。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:话说我对哲学产生兴趣是在研一时的自然辩证法课堂上。那是位颇为娘娘腔的老教授,本行研究人脑和意识,业余时间教授自然辩证法和自然科学史。不像其他政治课老师只晓得照本宣科,这老头有相当牛逼的学术基础,从古希腊哲学的朴素唯物主义,讲到近现代一系列科学危机,一贯而至,娓娓道来,一面精彩轻松的讲解着各种科学定律,一面逐步揭开科学背后的思辨踪影;当然作为一位老右愤, [点击阅读]
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摘要:?19月5日晚上10点49分横滨数栋14层公寓和三溪园住宅区的北端紧紧相邻,这些新建的公寓已经有很多人入住。每一栋公寓有将近100户住家,算是人口相当密集了。但是,公寓里的住户们不相往来,彼此也不认识,只有在夜里窗子透出灯光时,才让人意识到这里有人居住。在南边,工厂的照明灯投射在漆黑的海面上,静静地拉出一道长影。工厂的外墙上交缠着无数管线,令人联想到人体内错综复杂的血管。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:昏暗的工厂里,机床的黑影排成一排。那样子让雅也想到夜晚的墓地。不过,老爸要进入的坟墓并没有如此气派。黑影们看上去就像失去了主人的忠实奴仆。它们也许正和雅也怀着同样的心情,静静地迎接这个夜晚。雅也把盛着酒的茶碗送到嘴边。茶碗的边缘有个小缺口,正好碰在嘴唇上。喝干后,他叹了口气。旁边伸过一个酒瓶,把酒倒入他的空茶碗里。“以后在各方面都会有困难,但不要气馁,加把劲儿吧。“舅舅俊郎说。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:E L James is a TV executive, wife, and mother of two, based in West London. Since early childhood, she dreamt of writing stories that readers would fall in love with, but put those dreams on hold to focus on her family and her career. She finally plucked up the courage to put pen to paper with her first novel, Fifty Shades of Grey. [点击阅读]
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摘要:《源氏物语》是日本的一部古典名著,对于日本文学的发展产生了巨大的影响,被誉为日本文学的高峰。《源氏物语》是世界上最早的长篇写实小说,所以在世界文学史上也占有相当重要的地位。日本是个充满矛盾的国家,在歧视女性*的传统大行其道的同时,世界上最早的长篇写实小说《源氏物语》偏又出自一位女性*之手,《源氏物语》全书,仅百万字,涉及三代历时七十余年,书中人物有四百多位。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:这事每年都会发生,几乎成了惯例,而今天是他八十二岁生日。当花照例送达时,他拆开包皮装纸,拿起话筒打电话给退休后便搬到达拉纳省锡利扬湖的侦查警司莫瑞尔。他们不只同年,还是同日生,在这种情况下可说是一种讽刺。这位老警官正端着咖啡,坐等电话。“东西到了。”“今年是什么花?”“不知道是哪一种,我得去问人。是白色的。”“没有信吧,我猜。”“只有花。框也和去年一样,自己做的。”“邮戳呢?”“斯德哥尔摩。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light [点击阅读]
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摘要:赫尔克里·波洛的住所基本上是现代化装饰,闪亮着克罗米光泽。几把安乐椅尽管铺着舒服的垫子,外形轮廓却是方方正正的,很不协调。赫尔克里·波洛坐在其中一把椅子上——干净利落地坐在椅子正中间。对面一张椅子上坐着万灵学院院士伯顿博士,他正在有滋有味地呷着波洛敬的一杯“穆顿·罗德希尔德”牌葡萄酒。伯顿博士可没有什么干净可言。他胖胖的身材,邋里邋遢。乱蓬蓬的白发下面那张红润而慈祥的脸微笑着。 [点击阅读]