For You to Read
安妮日记英文版 - FRIDAY, APRIL 28, 1944
  FRIDAY, APRIL 28, 1944Dearest Kitty,I've never forgotten my dream of Peter Schiff (see the beginning of January). Even now I can still feel his cheek against mine, and that wonderful glow that made up for all the rest. Once in a while I'd had the same feeling with this Peter, but never so intensely. . . until last night. We were sitting on the divan, as usual, in each other's arms. Suddenly the everyday Anne slipped away and the second Anne took her place. The second Anne, who's never overconfident or amusing, but wants only to love and be gentle.I sat pressed against him and felt a wave of emotion come over me. Tears rushed to my eyes; those from the left fell on his overalls, while those from the right trickled down my nose and into the air and landed beside the first. Did he notice? He made no movement to show that he had. Did he feel the same way I did? He hardly said a word. Did he realize he had two Annes at his side? My questions went unanswered.At eight-thirty I stood up and went to the window, where we always say good-bye. I was still trembling, I was still Anne number two. He came over to me, and I threw my arms around his neck and kissed him on his left cheek. I was about to kiss the other cheek when my mouth met his, and we pressed our lips together. In a daze, we embraced, over and over again, never to stop, oh!Peter needs tenderness. For the first time in his life he's discovered a girl; for the first time he's seen that even the biggest pests also have an inner self and a heart, and are transformed as soon as they're alone with you. For the first time in his life he's given himself and his friendship to another person. He's never had a friend before, boy or girl. Now we've found each other. I, for that matter, didn't know him either, had never had someone I could confide in, and it's led to this . . .The same question keeps nagging me: "Is it right?" Is it right for me to yield so soon, for me to be so passionate, to be filled with as much passion and desire as Peter? Can I, a girl, allow myself to go that far?There's only one possible answer: "I'm longing so much. . . and have for such a long time. I'm so lonely and now I've found comfort!"In the mornings we act normally, in the afternoons too, except now and then. But in the evenings the suppressed longing of the entire day, the happiness and the bliss of all the times before come rushing to the surface, and all we can think about is each other. Every night, after our last kiss, I feel like running away and never looking him in the eyes again. Away, far away into the darkness and alone!And what awaits me at the bottom of those fourteen stairs? Bright lights, questions and laughter. I have to act normally and hope they don't notice anything.My heart is still too tender to be able to recover so quickly from a shock like the one I had last night. The gentle Anne makes infrequent appearances, and she's not about to let herself be shoved out the door so soon after she's arrived. Peter's reached a part of me that no one has ever reached before, except in my dream! He's taken hold of me and turned me inside out. Doesn't everyone need a little quiet time to put themselves to rights again? Oh, Peter, what have you done to me? What do you want from me?Where will this lead? Oh, now I understand Bep. Now, now that I'm going through it myself, I understand her doubts; if I were older and he wanted to marry me, what would my answer be? Anne, be honest! You wouldn't be able to marry him. But it's so hard to let go. Peter still has too little character, too little willpower, too little courage and strength. He's still a child, emotionally no older than I am; all he wants is happiness and peace of mind. Am I really only fourteen? Am I really just a silly schoolgirl? Am I really so inexperienced in everything? I have more experience than most; I've experienced something almost no one my age ever has.I'm afraid of myself, afraid my longing is making me yield too soon. How can it ever go right with other boys later on? Oh, it's so hard, the eternal struggle between heart and mind. There's a time and a place for both, but how can I be sure that I've chosen the right time?Yours, Anne M. Frank
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摘要:博比·琼斯把球放在球座上,击球前球杆简单地轻摆一下,然后慢慢收回球杆,接着以闪电般的速度向下一击。在五号铁头球棒的随便一击下,球会呼啸腾起,越过障碍,又直又准地落到球场的第十四穴处吗?不,远非如此,结果太糟了,球掠过地面,稳稳地陷入了障碍坑洼。没有热心的观众发出沮丧的哼哼声,惟一的目击者也显得一点不吃惊。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:我觉得,英国南部没有哪个滨海小镇有圣卢那么令人流连忘返,因此,人们称它为“水城皇后”真是再恰当也没有了。到了这里,游客便会自然而然地想起维埃拉(译注:法国东南部及意大利西北部的海滨地区,濒临地中海,以风光旖旎著称)。在我的印象里,康沃尔郡的海岸正像法国南方的海滨一样迷人。我把这个想法告诉了我的朋友赫尔克里-波洛。他听了以后说:“昨天餐车里的那份菜单上就是这么说的,我的朋友,所以这并非你的创见。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:米里哀先生是法国南部的地区狄涅的主教。他是个七十五岁的老人,原出身于贵族,法国大革命后破落了。他学问渊博,生活俭朴,好善乐施。他把每年从zheng府那里领得的一万五千法郎薪俸,都捐献给当地的慈善事业。被人们称为卞福汝(意为“欢迎”)主教。米里哀先生认为自己活在世上“不是为了自己的生命,而是来保护世人心灵的”。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:帕金顿先生与太太吵了几句,气呼呼地戴上帽子,把门一摔,离家去赶八点四十五分的火车,到市里去上班。帕金顿太太依旧坐在早餐桌前。她的脸涨得通红,紧咬着嘴唇,要不是最后愤怒代替了委屈,她早就哭出来了。“我不会再忍下去了,”帕金顿太太说,“我不会再忍下去了!”她继续想了一会儿,又喃喃道:“那个放荡女人,狡猾卑鄙的狐狸精!乔治怎么会这么傻呢!”愤怒逐渐平息了,悲伤和委屈的感觉又涌上心头。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:───惊魂过山车───1我从来没有把这个故事告诉任何人,也从未想过要告诉别人,倒不是因为我怕别人不相信,而是感到惭愧。因为它是我的秘密,说出来就贬低了自己及故事本身,显得更渺小,更平淡,还不如野营辅导员在熄灯前给孩子们讲的鬼故事。我也害怕如果讲出来,亲耳听见,可能会连自己都开始不相信。但自从我母亲过世后,我一直无法安睡。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:“喂,你去见男朋友,我干嘛要跟着啊?”“嘻嘻,我和宗浩说好了,要带你去见他的啊^o^”晕~-_-^,这么闷热的天,本来就够闹心的了,还要去给朋友当电灯泡,可怜芳龄十八的我啊,这些年都干嘛了?我好想有个男人啊,做梦都想…“朴宗浩有什么呀?他是公高的吧?公高那帮小子太危险了,你离他们远点儿。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:母亲送给古义人一块地皮。在古义人的记忆里,幼少年时期,那里曾耸立着参天的辽杨。最初提起这个话头,是母亲年愈九旬、头脑还清晰的那阵子。在那之前,古义人几年回去一次,母亲九十岁以后,便大致每年都要回到四国那个森林中的山谷。准确的时期已经记不清了,就季节而言,应该是五月中旬的事。“年岁大了,身上也就有老人的气味了。”母亲从大开着的门窗向对岸望去。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:具结释放的汤姆·约德和因对圣灵产生怀疑而不再做牧师的凯绥结伴,回到了被垄断资本与严重干旱吞食了的家乡。他们和约德一家挤进一辆破卡车,各自抱着美好的幻想向“黄金西部”进发。一路上,他们受尽折磨与欺凌,有的死去,有的中途离散。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:(一)回顾我的文学生涯,从早期的写作起,我就把小说的舞台放在了位于日本列岛之一的四国岛中央、紧邻四国山脉分水岭北侧深邃的森林山谷里的那个小村落。我从生养我的村庄开始写起,最初,只能说是年轻作家头脑中的预感机能在起作用,我完全没有预料到这将会成为自己小说中一个大系列的一部分。这就是那篇题为《饲育》的短篇小说。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:朱厄尔和我从地里走出来,在小路上走成单行。虽然我在他前面十五英尺,但是不管谁从棉花房里看我们,都可以看到朱厄尔那顶破旧的草帽比我那顶足足高出一个脑袋。小路笔直,像根铅垂线,被人的脚踩得光溜溜的,让七月的太阳一烤,硬得像砖。小路夹在一行行碧绿的中耕过的棉花当中,一直通到棉花地当中的棉花房,在那儿拐弯,以四个柔和的直角绕棉花房一周,又继续穿过棉花地,那也是脚踩出来的,很直,但是一点点看不清了。 [点击阅读]