For You to Read
安妮日记英文版 - THURSDAY, MAY 11, 1944
  THURSDAY, MAY 11, 1944Dearest Kitty,A new sketch to make you laugh:Peter's hair had to be cut, and as usual his mother was to be the hairdresser. At seven twenty-five Peter vanished into his room, and reappeared at the stroke of seven-thirty, stripped down to his blue swimming trunks and a pair of tennis shoes."Are you coming?" he asked his mother."Yes, I'll be up in a minute, but I can't find the scissors!"Peter helped her look, rummaging around in her cosmetics drawer. "Don't make such a mess, Peter," she grumbled.I didn't catch Peter's reply, but it must have been insolent, because she cuffed him on the arm. He cuffed her back, she punched him with all her might, and Peter pulled his arm away with a look of mock horror on his face. "Come on, old girl!"Mrs. van D. stayed put. Peter grabbed her by the wrists and pulled her all around the room. She laughed, cried, scolded and kicked, but nothing helped. Peter led his prisoner as far as the attic stairs, where he was obliged to let go of her. Mrs. van D. came back to the room and collapsed into a chair with a loud sigh."Die Enifu"hruna der Mutter,". I joked. [* The Abduction of Mother, a possible reference to Mozart's opera The Abduction from the Seraglio.]"Yes, but he hurt me."I went to have a look and cooled her hot, red wrists with water. Peter, still by the stairs and growing impa- tient again, strode into the room with his belt in his hand, like a lion tamer. Mrs. van D. didn't move, but stayed by her writing desk, looking for a handkerchief. "You've got to apologize first.""All right, I hereby offer my apologies, but only because if I don't, we'll be here till midnight."Mrs. van D. had to laugh in spite of herself. She got up and went toward the door, where she felt obliged to give us an explanation. (By us I mean Father, Mother and me; we were busy doing the dishes.) "He wasn't like this at home," she said. "I'd have belted him so hard he'd have gone flying down the stairs [!]. He's never been so insolent. This isn't the first time he's deserved a good hiding. That's what you get with a modern upbringing, modern children. I'd never have grabbed my mother like that. Did you treat your mother that way, Mr. Frank?" She was very upset, pacing back and forth, saying whatever came into her head, and she still hadn't gone upstairs. Finally, at long last, she made her exit.Less than five minutes later she stormed back down the stairs, with her cheeks all puffed out, and flung her apron on a chair. When I asked if she was through, she replied that she was going downstairs. She tore down the stairs like a tornado, probably straight into the arms of her Putti.She didn't come up again until eight, this time with her husband. Peter was dragged from the attic, given a merciless scolding and showered with abuse: ill-mannered brat, no-good bum, bad example, Anne this, Margot that, I couldn't hear the rest.Everything seems to have calmed down again today!Yours, Anne M. FrankP.S. Tuesday and Wednesday evening our beloved Queen addressed the country. She's taking a vacation so she'll be in good health for her return to the Netherlands.She used words like "soon, when I'm back in Holland," "a swift liberation," "heroism" and "heavy burdens."This was followed by a speech by Prime Minister Gerbrandy. He has such a squeaky little child's voice that Mother instinctively said, "Oooh." A clergyman, who must have borrowed his voice from Mr. Edel, concluded by asking God to take care of the Jews, all those in concentration camps and prisons and everyone working in Germany.
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摘要:1威尔·格雷厄姆让克劳福德坐在房子与海之间的野餐桌旁,然后递给他一杯冰茶。杰克·克劳福德看着这幢外表漂亮的老式房子。银白色的木料衬着明媚的阳光。“我真应该当你卸职的时候在玛若森就找到你,”杰克说,“你肯定不愿意在这儿谈这件事。”“这事我在哪儿都不愿意谈,杰克。既然你坚持要说,好,我们就来谈谈。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:作者:蒲隆美国文学批评家菲利普·拉赫夫把美国文学中典雅和粗犷这两种不同的流派形象地称为“苍白脸和红皮肤”。这两种流派不仅写作风格相异,而且题材也不同:“苍白脸”多写上流社会,“红皮肤”则多写下层民众。当然两派作家的家庭出身和社会经历也大相径庭。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:世上没有永恒不变的事物。欢笑不长久,欲望不长久,生命本身,也总会走到尽头。这真是至理名言。所以,人生在世,最要紧的就是及时行乐,活在当下,把手中的东西紧紧抓住。为什么要虚度一生去换取入土之后碑头的空文呢?“永存我心”,什么样的蠢蛋才会希望自己的坟头铭刻这样一句空话?这不过是无病呻吟的多愁和伤感,毫无意义。我们还是面对现实吧,人生就是一场零和博弈,输赢高下都在政坛见分晓。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:1991年6月13日,好莱坞。凌晨,加利福尼亚美联社分部一派兵荒马乱。五分钟之前,路透社抢先向全球公布了齐亚托联通公司的最新消息。这一次,英国人灵敏的鼻子终于甚至比美国人更早嗅到了大西洋的腥味。齐亚托联通公司正在制做本世纪耗资最大的色情片,主要外景地选择在沙漠中,也就是拍摄《宾虚传》和《阿拉伯的劳伦斯》用过的场景,其中一处搭设了1000余人在上面翻滚的大台子。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:一代英雄,惨遭杀害,但他们是一座座高大雄伟的雕像,矗立在大地上,鲜花环绕,阳光沐浴,人们把最崇敬的感情献上。一伙魑魅魍魉,蝇营狗苟,虽生犹死,都是些朽木雕成的木偶,人们投之以冷眼、蔑视与嘲笑。捷克民族英雄伏契克在他举世闻名的《绞刑架下的报告》(以下简称《报告》)这部不朽的作品里,深刻地揭示了人的伟大与渺歇—雕像与木偶的根本区别。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:这件事发生在1932年,当时的州立监狱还在冷山。当然了,还有电椅。狱中囚犯常拿电椅开玩笑,对令人恐惧却又摆脱不掉的东西,大家总喜欢如此地取笑一番。他们管它叫“电伙计”,或者叫“大榨汁机”。大伙谈论电费单,谈论那年秋天监狱长穆尔斯不得不自己做感恩节晚餐,因为他妻子梅琳达病得没法做饭了。不过,对于那些真得要坐到电椅上的人,这些玩笑很快就不合时宜了。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:那是个静谧的夏天早晨。太阳已经高悬在明净的天空,可是田野里还闪烁着露珠。苏醒不久的山谷散发出阵阵清新的幽香。那片依然弥漫着潮气,尚未喧闹起来的树林里,只有赶早的小鸟在欢快地歌唱。缓缓倾斜的山坡上,自上到下长满了刚扬花的黑麦。山顶上,远远可以望见一座小小的村落。一位身穿白色薄纱连衣裙,头戴圆形草帽,手拿阳伞的少妇,正沿着狭窄的乡间小道向那座村庄走去。一名小厮远远跟在她后面。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:谢泼德医生在早餐桌上弗拉尔斯太太于16日晚(星期四)离世而去。17日(星期五)早晨八点就有人来请我去。我也帮不了什么忙,因为她已死了好几个小时了。九点过几分我就回到了家。我取出钥匙打开了前门,故意在大厅里磨蹭了一会,不慌不忙地把帽子和风衣挂好,这些都是我用来抵御初秋晨寒的东西。说老实话,我当时的心情非常沮丧忧愁。我并不想装模作样地认为,我能够预料今后几周将要发生的事。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:弗拉尔斯太太于16日晚(星期四)离世而去。17日(星期五)早晨八点就有人来请我去。我也帮不了什么忙,因为她已死了好几个小时了。九点过几分我就回到了家。我取出钥匙打开了前门,故意在大厅里磨蹭了一会,不慌不忙地把帽子和风衣挂好,这些都是我用来抵御初秋晨寒的东西。说老实话,我当时的心情非常沮丧忧愁。我并不想装模作样地认为,我能够预料今后几周将要发生的事。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:在彼得堡贫民区一家公寓的五层楼斗室里,住着一个穷大学生拉斯柯尔尼科夫。他正在经历着一场痛苦而激烈的思想斗争——他要确定自己是属于可以为所欲为的不平凡的人,还是只配做不平凡的人的工具的普通人。他原在法律系就学,因交不起学费而被迫辍学,现在靠母亲和妹妹从拮据的生活费中节省下来的钱维持生活。他已经很久没有交房租了。近来,房东太太不仅停止供给他伙食,而且催租甚紧。这时他遇见了小公务员马尔美拉陀夫。 [点击阅读]