For You to Read
安妮日记英文版 - AFTERWORD
  AFTERWORDOn the morning of August 4, 1944, sometime between ten and ten-thirty, a car pulled up at 263 Prinsengracht. Several figures emerged: an SS sergeant, Karl Josef Silberbauer, in full uniform, and at least three Dutch members of the Security Police, armed but in civilian clothes. Someone must have tipped them off.They arrested the eight people hiding in the Annex, as well as two of their helpers, Victor Kugler and Johannes Kleiman -- though not Miep Gies and Elisabeth (Bep)Voskuijl-and took all the valuables and cash they could find in the Annex.After the arrest, Kugler and Kleiman were taken to a prison in Amsterdam. On September 11, 1944, they were transferred, without benefit of a trial, to a camp in Amersfoort (Holland). Kleiman, because of his poor health, was released on September 18, 1944. He remained in Amsterdam until his death in 1959.Kugler managed to escape his imprisonment on March 28, 1945, when he and his fellow prisoners were being sent to Germany as forced laborers. He immigrated to Canada in 1955 and died in Toronto in 1989.Elisabeth (Bep) Voskuijl Wijk died in Amsterdam in 1983.Miep Santrouschitz Gies is still living in Amsterdam; her husband Jan died in 1993.Upon their arrest, the eight residents of the Annex were first brought to a prison in Amsterdam and then transferred to Westerbork, the transit camp for Jews in the north of Holland. They were deported on September 3, 1944, in the last transport to leave Westerbork, and arrived three days later in Auschwitz (Poland).Hermann van Pels (van Daan) was, according to the testimony of Otto Frank, gassed to death in Auschwitz in October or November 1944, shortly before the gas chambers were dismantled.Auguste van Pels (Petronella van Daan) was transported from Auschwitz to Bergen-Belsen, from there to Buchenwald, then to Theresienstadt on April 9, 1945, and apparently to another concentration camp after that. It is certain that she did not survive, though the date of her death is unknown.Peter van Pels (van Daan) was forced to take part in the January 16, 1945 "death march" from Auschwitz to Mauthausen (Austria), where he died on May 5, 1945, three days before the camp was liberated.Fritz Pfeffer (Albert Dussel) died on December 20, 1944, in the Neuengamme concentration camp, where he had been transferred from either Buchenwald or Sachsenhausen.Edith Frank died in Auschwitz-Birkenau on January 6, 1945, from hunger and exhaustion.Margot and Anne Frank were transported from Auschwitz at the end of October and brought to Bergen Belsen, a concentration camp near Hannover (Germany). The typhus epidemic that broke out in the winter of 1944-1945, as a result of the horrendous hygenic conditions, killed thousands of prisoners, including Margot and, a few days later, Anne. She must have died in late February or early March. The bodies of both girls were probably dumped in Bergen-Belsen's mass graves. The camp was liberated by British troops on April 12, 1945.Otto Frank was the only one of the eight to survive the concentration camps. After Auschwitz was liberated by Russian troops, he was repatriated to Amsterdam by way of Odessa and Marseille. He arrived in Amsterdam on June 3, 1945, and stayed there until 1953, when he moved to Basel (Switzerland), where his sister and her family, and later his brother, lived. He married Elfriede Markovits Geiringer, originally from Vienna, who had survived Auschwitz and lost a husband and son in Mauthausen. Until his death on August 19, 1980, Otto Frank continued to live in Birsfelden, outside Basel, where he devoted himself to sharing the message of his daughter's diary with people all over the world.# # #Doubleday - New York, London, Toronto, Sydney, Auckland (c) 1991 by The Anne Frank-Fonds, Basel, Switzerland ( English translation (c) 1995 by Doubleday, a division of Bantam Doubleday Publishing Group, Inc. Printed in the United States of America, March 1995 ISBN 0-385-47378-8
章节:28 人气:2
摘要:人道主义思想加缪的思想,其核心就是人道主义,人的尊严问题,一直是缠绕着他的创作、生活和政治斗争的根本问题。《西西弗斯神话》和《局外人》构成了加缪文学创作的母题,包含着加缪未来作品的核心问题。书中,西西弗斯的幸福假设的提出,其本质动机,不在荒诞,荒诞既不能告诉我们幸福,也不能告诉我们不幸,之所以加缪假设西西弗斯是幸福的,是因为他认为只有幸福的生活才符合人的尊严,被责为永罚,却幸福,这绝对是一种反抗, [点击阅读]
章节:11 人气:2
摘要:一九五七年夏天,八月,广岛。一个三十岁左右的法国女子在这座城市里。她是来参加拍摄一部关于和平的影片,她在影片中扮演一个角色。故事发生在这个法国女人回国的前夕。她在其中扮演角色的这部影片实际上已近完成。只剩下一组镜头要拍摄。就在她回法国的前夕,这个在影片中始终未提及名字的法国女人——这个无名妇女——将遇到一个日本人(工程师或建筑师),他们之间产生了一段过眼云烟的恋情。 [点击阅读]
章节:30 人气:2
摘要:九月九日的下午,一如平常的下午,没有两样。任何人对于那天即将发生的不幸,毫无一丝预感。(除了一人例外,那就是住在威尔布朗姆胡同四十七号的巴克太太,她对于预感特别有一套,每次她心头觉得一阵怪异之后,总要将那种不安的感觉,详详细细地描述一番。但是巴克太太住在四十七号,离开十九号甚远,那儿会发生什么事,与她无干,所以她觉得似乎没有必要去做什么预感)。“加文狄希秘书打字社”社长K-玛汀戴小姐。 [点击阅读]
章节:26 人气:2
摘要:他沉浸在眼前的场景中。一切都那么宁静,那么安谧,又那么……平常。这才是他一直盼望的生活,亲朋好友团聚——他深信,眼前正是那幅画面,尽管惟一能认出的面孔是疼爱自己的母亲。生活本该如此:充满温馨、亲情、欢笑、恬静。这是他魂牵梦索的生活,是他无时无刻不在祈盼的生活:体味暖人的笑容,分享惬意的交谈,轻拍亲人的肩头。但最令他神往的是母亲脸上绽出的微笑。此时此刻,他深爱着的母亲无比幸福,她已不再是奴隶。 [点击阅读]
章节:25 人气:2
摘要:我百分之九十九点九地确定我是在做梦。我之所以如此确信的理由是:第一,我正站在一束明亮的阳光下——那种令人目眩的,明净的太阳从未照耀在我的新家乡——华盛顿州的福克斯镇上,这里常年笼罩在如烟似雾的绵绵细雨之中;第二,我正注视着玛丽祖母,奶奶至今去世已经有六年多了,因此,这一确凿的证据足以证明我是在做梦。奶奶没有发生很大的变化;她的脸庞还是我记忆中的模样。 [点击阅读]
章节:41 人气:2
摘要:童年不是从出生到某一个年龄为止;也不是某一个特定的年纪孩子长大了,抛开幼稚童年的国度里,没有人会死去EdnaSt.VincentMillay前言我拥有比一般人多得多的濒临死亡的经历;这并不是一件你真正会习惯的事。这似乎有些奇怪,我又一次不可避免地面对着死亡。好像注定逃不开这一宿命,每一次我都成功逃开了,但是它又一次次地回到我身边。然而,这一次的似乎与众不同。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:我完整地得到了你我深知你已经属于我,我从未想到应该确定你赠予的价值。你也不提这样的要求。日复一日,夜复一夜,你倒空你的花篮,我瞟一眼,随手扔进库房,次日没有一点儿印象。你的赠予融和着新春枝叶的嫩绿和秋夜圆月的清辉。你以黑发的水浪淹没我的双足,你说:“我的赠予不足以纳你王国的赋税,贫女子我再无可赠的东西。”说话间,泪水模糊了你的明眸。 [点击阅读]
章节:29 人气:2
摘要:冒着火的车子,用来载生前做过恶事的亡灵前往地狱。电车离开绫濑车站时才开始下的雨,半是冰冻的寒雨。怪不得一早起来左膝盖就疼得难受。本间俊介走到第一节车厢中间,右手抓着扶手,左手撑着收起来的雨伞,站在靠门的位置上。尖锐的伞头抵着地板,权充拐杖。他眺望着车窗外。平常日子的下午三点,常磐线的车厢内很空,若想坐下,空位倒是很多。 [点击阅读]
章节:8 人气:2
摘要:第一章“再把地图拿来给我看一看,悦子。”站在拐角处向左右两侧张望的哥哥说。我从提包皮中取出一张已经被翻看得满是皱纹的纸片。“说得倒轻巧,很不容易!牧村这家伙画的地图,怎么这么差劲!”哥哥一边嘟嚷着,一边用手背抹去额头顶的汗。就在这时,右边路程走过来一个人。这是一个穿着淡青色衬衫。夹着一半公文包皮的青年男子。 [点击阅读]
章节:15 人气:2
摘要:我现在正准备在世田谷市民大学讲演的讲演稿。主办单位指定的讲演内容是这样的:希望我把三年前在小樽召开的全北海道残疾儿童福利大会上讲的话继续讲下去。上次大会的讲演记录,业已以“为了和不可能‘亲切’相待的人斗争下去”为题出版发行了。于是我就把该文章重新读了一遍,考虑如何接着往下讲。(该文载《核之大火与“人的”呼声》一书,岩波书店出版。 [点击阅读]