For You to Read
雾都孤儿 - 雾都孤儿英文简介
  One of Dickens most enduringly popular stories is Oliver Twist, an early work published 1837-8. Like many of his later novels, its central theme is the hardship faced by the dispossessed and those of the outside of tolite society. Oliver himself is born in a workhouse and treated cruelly there as was the norm at the time for pauper children, in particular by Bumble, a parish council official or eadle The story follows Oliver as he escapes the workhouse and runs away to London. Here he receives an education in villainy from the criminal gang of Fagin that includes the brutal thief Bill Sikes, the famous artful Dodger and Nancy, Bill whore. Oliver is rescued by the intervention of a benefactor - Mr Brownlow - but the mysterious Monks gets the gang to kidnap the boy again. Nancy intervenes but is murdered viciously by Sikes after she has showed some redeeming qualities and has discovered Monk sinister intention. The story closes happily and with justice for Bumble and the cruel Monks who has hidden the truth of Oliver parentage out of malice. Accusations were made that the book glamorised crime (like the ewgate Group of the period) but Dickens wisely disassociated himself from criminal romances. His achievement was in fact in presenting the underworld and problems of poverty to the well-off in a way rarely attempted previously.
  Oliver Twist provides insight into the experience of the poor in 1830s England. Beneath the novel’s raucous humor and flights of fancy runs an undertone of bitter criticism of the Victorian middle class's attitudes toward the poor. Oliver is a near perfect example of the hypocrisy and venality of the legal system, workhouses, and middle class moral values and marriage practices of 1830s England.
  As a child, Dickens endured the harsh conditions of poverty. His family was imprisoned for debt, and Dickens was forced to work in a factory at age twelve. These experiences haunted him for the rest of his life. The misery of his childhood is a recurrent theme in his novels. Oliver Twist expresses the unfortunate situation of the orphaned child. Oliver suffers the cruelty of hypocritical workhouse officials, prejudiced judges, and hardened criminals. Throughout the novel, his virtuous nature survives the unbelievable misery of his situation.
  Oliver's experiences demonstrate the legal silence and invisibility of the poor. In 1830s England, wealth determined voting rights. Therefore, the poor had no say in the laws that governed their lives, and the Poor Laws strictly regulated the ability to seek relief. Since begging( was illegal, workhouses were the only sources of relief. The workhouses were made to be deliberately unpleasant in order to discourage the poor from seeking their relief. The Victorian middle class assumed that the poor were uncontroleable due to their state of nature and immorality. Since the poor had no voting rights, the State chose to recognize their existence only when they commited crimes, died, or entered the workhouses.
  Dickens' Oliver Twist is one sympathetic portrayal among dozens of vicious, stereotypical portrayals of the poor. However, Dickens himself exhibits middle class prejudice. He reproduces the worst anti-Semitic stereotypes in Fagin, the "villainous old Jew." The portrayal of Noah Claypole, the dirty charity boy, reveals some of the stereotypes of the poor that Dickens criticizes. Monks, Oliver's evil half-brother, is "bad from birth," although Dickens clearly satirizes the middle class's belief that the poor are born crimnals. These inconsistencies weaken the larger impact of Dickens' crusade against the abuses leveled against the poor.
  Oliver Twist is not considered one of Dickens's best novels. The plot is misleading and often ridiculous. However, it merits study for its scathing critique of Victorian middle class attitudes towards poverty.
章节:39 人气:0
摘要:今年7月19日,原微软副总裁李开复博士跳槽到Google公司,引起了包括《纽约时报》等全球上万家媒体的追逐报道,也在国内引爆了一场关于职业道德的大讨论。如今,李开复博士亲自撰写的第一本中文图书——《做最好的自己》将于9月25日由人民出版社出版发行。 [点击阅读]
章节:49 人气:0
摘要:概要六顶思维帽方法六顶思维帽的目的是避免思维混杂,按这种方式,思考者在某一个时间里就可以只按照一种模式思考——而不是在某一时刻做全部的事。对此最好的类比是彩色印图。每一种颜色被印刷上去,最后它们就拼到了一起。设计六种思维帽方法,是为了使我们从通常的争辩型思维向制图型思维转化。这使得思维过程成了两个阶段,第一个阶段是绘制地图;第二阶段是在地图上选择路线。 [点击阅读]
章节:74 人气:0
摘要:在别人眼中,我的生活方式是很多人所向往和羡慕的。很多人曾告诉过我:我也很想像你那样背着背包到处去体验生活,看看这个世界;只可惜,我没有你的胆量和毅力,再说现实的生活中有着很多放不下的包袱,所以,这个世界上真的没有多少人可以像你那样,过着自己想要的生活。 [点击阅读]
章节:14 人气:0
摘要:谈恋爱的对象,最好比你笨——不用太笨,只要笨到会真心相信你那些承诺,爱情就得以成立了。谈恋爱的对象,最好比你聪明——不用太聪明,只要聪明到不去追究你那些承诺,爱情就得以延续了。谈恋爱的对象,最好比你笨——如果你要求的是恋爱的“量”:爱的时间长久些、或者同时爱好几个、之类的。谈恋爱的对象,最好比你聪明——如果你要求的、是恋爱的“质”:要爱得精彩些、要爱得刻骨铭心些、之类的。 [点击阅读]
章节:10 人气:0
摘要:好象是为了增加圣诞节前夜的气氛,所以一大早便纷纷扬扬地飘起了雪。这场雪越下越大,傍晚明晓溪和牧野流冰来到东寺家的时候,雪已经厚厚地覆盖了整个大地。明晓溪用手不停搓着冻得绯红的脸蛋,她从小在台湾长大,对这么冷的天气还真有些不适应。不过当她的脚刚踏进东寺家主屋的大门,一股暖洋洋的热流就把她包围了。好,好温暖啊,明晓溪幸福地叹息。 [点击阅读]
章节:35 人气:0
摘要:1圣诞节前夜,一大早便纷纷扬扬地飘起了雪。这场雪越下越大,傍晚明晓溪和牧流冰来到东宅的时候,雪已经厚厚地覆盖了整个大地。明晓溪用手不停搓着冻得通红的脸蛋,好冷啊。不过当她的脚刚踏进主屋的大门,一股暖洋洋的热流就把她包围了。好、好温暖啊,明晓溪幸福地叹息。 [点击阅读]
章节:35 人气:0
摘要:恶魔坐回它自己在石蘑菇茎上雕刻出来的宝座。烂泥不断的在这个小岛旁咕噜咕噜地滚动着,其永不停止的流动和变换,成为了这一层深渊魔域特有的景观。叫做厄图的恶魔弹了弹它那长着利爪的手指,懒懒地将它那像猴子一般、却长了一对山羊角的头靠在肩膀上,眼神投射在黑暗之中。“你在哪里,泰尔沙兹?”恶魔发出嘶嘶的声音,期待能有那件古代法器的消息。克林辛尼朋,占据了它全部的思考。 [点击阅读]
章节:29 人气:0
摘要:巫师带着不确定的眼光低头看着她。她背向他;他只能看见她浓密的红褐色发绺垂盖在那双厚实又充满活力的肩膀上。但巫师也看出了她眼中的悲伤。她是那么地年轻,只不过刚脱离孩童的阶段,又天真无邪到让人觉得美丽的地步。但这个美丽的孩子却将剑插进了他所爱的西妮的心脏。哈寇·哈贝尔很快扫去心中关于他死去的爱人那些不愿想起的记忆,开始往山下走。“天气不错,”当他走到年轻女孩身边的时候,他高兴地说。 [点击阅读]
章节:27 人气:0
摘要:我拉挖开了神圣的坑穴和地洞将仇敌地精放进浅坟之中我们今天的工作不要开始这矿场中,白银的溪水飞逝石头下的金属闪耀生光火炬将白银溪流照亮在此避开了窥伺的旭日这矿场中,白银的溪水飞逝锤子将纯粹的秘银敲响一如古昔的矮人矿场此处匠人的工作永无休止这矿场中,白银的溪水飞逝我们向矮人的神高声歌颂再将另一半兽人放进浅坟之中我们知道我们的工作已经开始这土地上,白银的溪水飞逝※※※在黑暗的宝座上,栖息着黑暗的龙。 [点击阅读]
章节:12 人气:0
摘要:序幕暗暗沉沉的夜,宛如泼洒开来的浓墨,深沉得几乎将人吞噬。又或者,不是黑夜的关系,而是她昏蒙的意识,已无法接收更多的光亮--四周传来阵阵狼嗥,为这阴寒的夜,更添诡谲。她知道自己的神智与生命,都在一点一滴急遽的流失当中,再这么下去,等不到明日的晨曦初绽,她便会先气绝于这片荒山林野之中。 [点击阅读]