For You to Read
五十度灰英文版 - Part III Chapter Twenty-three
  There is only pain. My head, my chest . . . burning pain. My side, my arm.
  Pain. Pain and hushed words in the gloom. Where am I? Though I try, I
  cannot open my eyes. The whispered words become clearer . . . a beacon in
  the darkness.
  “Her ribs are bruised, Mr. Grey, and she has a hairline fracture to her skull,
  but her vital signs are stable and strong.”
  “Why is she still unconscious?”
  “Mrs. Grey has had a major contusion to her head. But her brain activity is
  normal, and she has no cerebral swelling. She’ll wake when she’s ready. Just
  give her some time.”
  “And the baby?” The words are anguished, breathless.
  “The baby’s fine, Mr. Grey.”
  “Oh, thank God.” The words are a litany . . . a prayer. “Oh, thank God.”
  Oh my. He’s worried about the baby . . . the baby? . . . Little Blip. Of course.
  My Little Blip. I try in vain to move my hand to my belly. Nothing moves,
  nothing responds.
  “And the baby? . . . Oh, thank God.”
  Little Blip is safe.
  “And the baby? . . . Oh, thank God.”
  He cares about the baby.
  “And the baby? . . . Oh, thank God.”
  He wants the baby. Oh thank God. I relax, and unconsciousness claims me
  once more, stealing me away from the pain.
  once more, stealing me away from the pain.
  Everything is heavy and aching: limbs, head, eyelids, nothing will move. My
  eyes and mouth are resolutely shut, unwilling to move, leaving me blind and
  mute and aching. As I surface from the fog, consciousness hovers, a
  seductive siren just out of reach. Sounds become voices.
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  “I’m not leaving her.”
  Christian! He’s here . . . I will myself to wake—his voice is strained, an
  agonized whisper.
  “Christian, you should sleep.”
  “No, Dad. I want to be here when she wakes up.”
  “I’ll sit with her. It’s the least I can do after she saved my daughter.”
  “How’s Mia?”
  “She’s groggy . . . scared and angry. It’ll be a few hours before the Rohypnol
  is completely out of her system.”
  “I know. I’m feeling seven kinds of foolish for relenting on her security. You
  warned me, but Mia is so stubborn. If it wasn’t for Ana here . . .”
  “We all thought Hyde was out of the picture. And my crazy, stupid wife—Why
  didn’t she tell me?” Christian’s voice is full of anguish.
  “Christian, calm down. Ana’s a remarkable young woman. She was
  incredibly brave.”
  “Brave and headstrong and stubborn and stupid.” His voice cracks.
  “Hey,” Carrick murmurs, “don’t be so hard on her, or yourself, son . . . I’d
  better get back to your mom. It’s after three in the morning, Christian. You
  really should try to sleep.”
  The fog closes in.
  The fog lifts but I have no sense of time.
  “If you don’t take her across your knee, I sure as hell will. What the hell was
  she thinking?”
  “Trust me, Ray, I just might do that.”
  Dad! He’s here. I fight the fog . . . fight . . . But I spiral down once more into
  oblivion. No . . .
  “Detective, as you can see, my wife is no state to answer any of your
  questions.” Christian is angry.
  “She’s a headstrong young woman, Mr. Grey.”
  “I wish she’d killed the fucker.”
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  “That would have meant more paperwork for me, Mr. Grey . . .”
  “Miss Morgan is singing like the proverbial canary. Hyde’s a real twisted son
  of a bitch. He has a serious grudge against your father and you . . .”
  The fog surrounds me once more, and I’m dragged down . . . down . No!
  “What do you mean you weren’t talking?” It’s Grace. She sounds angry. I try
  to move my head, but I’m met with a resounding, listless silence from my
  “What did you do?”
  “Christian! What did you do?”
  “I was so angry.” It’s almost a sob . . . No.
  “Hey . . .”
  The world dips and blurs and I’m gone.
  I hear soft garbled voices.
  “You told me you’d cut all ties.” Grace is talking. Her voice is quiet,
  “I know.” Christian sounds resigned. “But seeing her finally put it all in
  perspective for me. You know . . . with the child. For the first time I felt . . .
  What we did . . . it was wrong.”
  “What she did darling . . . Children will do that to you. Make you look at the
  world in a different light.”
  “She finally got the message . . . and so did I . . . I hurt Ana,” he whispers.
  “We always hurt the ones we love, darling. You’ll have to tell her you’re sorry.
  And mean it and give her time.”
  “She said she was leaving me.”
  No. No. No!
  “Did you believe her?”
  “At first, yes.”
  “Darling, you always believe the worst of everyone, including yourself. You
  always have. Ana loves you very much, and it’s obvious 430 | P a g e
  you love her.”
  “She was mad at me.”
  “I’m sure she was. I’m pretty mad at you right now. I think you can only be truly
  mad at someone you really love.”
  “I thought about it, and she’s shown me over and over how much she loves
  me . . . to the point of putting her own life in danger.”
  “Yes, she has. Oh, Mom, why won’t she wake up?” His voice cracks. “I nearly
  lost her.”
  Christian! There are muffled sobs. No . . . Oh . . . the darkness closes in. No
  “It’s taken twenty-four years for you to let me hold you like this . . ”
  “I know, Mom . . . I’m glad we talked.”
  “Me too, darling. I’m always here. I can’t believe I’m going to be a
  Sweet oblivion beckons.
  Hmm. His stubble softly scrapes the back of my hand as he squeezes my
  “Oh, baby, please come back to me. I’m sorry. Sorry for everything. Just
  wake up. I miss you. I love you . . .”
  I try. I try. I want to see him. But my body disobeys me, and I fall asleep once
  I have a pressing need to pee. I open my eyes. I’m in the clean, sterile
  environment of a hospital room. It’s dark except for a sidelight, and all is
  quiet. My head and my chest aches, but more than that, my bladder is
  bursting. I need to pee. I test my limbs. My right arm smarts, and I notice the
  IV attached to it on the inside of my elbow. I shut my eyes quickly. Turning my
  head—I’m pleased that it responds to my will—I open my eyes again.
  Christian is asleep, sitting beside me and leaning on my bed with his head
  on his folded arms. I reach out, grateful once more that my body responds,
  and run my fingers through his soft hair. 431 | P a g e
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  He’s startled awake, raising his head so suddenly my hand falls weakly back
  onto the bed.
  “Hi,” I croak.
  “Oh, Ana.” His voice is choked and relieved. He grasps my hand, squeezing
  it tightly and holding it up against his rough, stubbled cheek.
  “I need to use the bathroom,” I whisper.
  He gapes then frowns at me for a moment. “Okay.”
  I struggle to sit up.
  “Ana, stay still. I’ll call a nurse.” He quickly stands, alarmed, and reaches for a
  buzzer on the bedside.
  “Please,” I whisper. Why do I ache everywhere? “I need to get up.”
  Jeez, I feel so weak.
  “Will you do as you’re told for once?” he snaps, exasperated.
  “I really need to pee,” I rasp. My throat and mouth are so dry. A nurse bustles
  into the room. She must be in her fifties, though her hair is jet black. She
  wears overlarge pearl earrings.
  “Mrs. Grey welcome back. I’ll let Dr. Bartley know you’re awake.”
  She makes her way to my bedside. “My name is Nora. Do you know where
  you are?”
  “Yes. Hospital. I need to pee.”
  “You have a catheter.”
  What? Oh this is gross. I glance anxiously at Christian then back to the
  “Please. I want to get up.”
  “Mrs. Grey.”
  “Ana,” Christian warns. I struggle to sit up once more.
  “Let me remove your catheter. Mr. Grey I am sure Mrs. Grey would like some
  privacy.” She looks pointedly at Christian, dismissing him.
  “I’m not going anywhere.” He glares back at her.
  “Christian, please,” I whisper, reaching out and grasping his hand. Briefly he
  squeezes my hand then gives me an exasperated look.
  “Please,” I beg.
  “Fine!” he snaps and runs his hand through his hair. “You have two minutes,”
  he hisses at the nurse, and he leans down and kisses my forehead before
  turning on his heel and leaving the room. 432 | P a g e
  Christian bursts back into the room two minutes later as Nurse Nora is
  helping me out of bed. I’m dressed in a thin hospital gown. I don’t remember
  being stripped.
  “Let me take her,” he says and strides toward us.
  “Mr. Grey, I can manage.” Nurse Nora scolds him.
  He gives her a hostile glare. “Dammit, she’s my wife. I’ll take her.”

  He says through gritted teeth as he moves the IV stand out of his way.
  “Mr. Grey!” she protests.
  He ignores her, leans down, and gently, he lifts me off the bed. I wrap my
  arms around his neck, my body complaining. Jeez, I ache everywhere. He
  carries me to the en suite bathroom while Nurse Nora follows us, pushing the
  IV stand.
  “Mrs. Grey, you’re too light,” he mutters disapprovingly as he sets me gently
  on my feet. I sway. My legs feel like Jell-O. Christian flips the light switch, and
  I’m momentarily blinded by the fluorescent lamp that pings and flickers to life.
  “Sit before you fall,” he snaps, still holding me.
  Tentatively, I sit down on the toilet.
  “Go.” I try to wave him out.
  “No. Just pee, Ana.”
  Could this be any more embarrassing? “I can’t, not with you here.”
  “You might fall.”
  “Mr. Grey!”
  We both ignore the nurse.
  “Please,” I beg.
  He raises his hands in defeat. “I’ll stand outside, door open.” He takes a
  couple of paces back until he’s standing just outside the door with the angry
  “Turn around, please,” I ask. Why do I feel so ridiculously shy with this man?
  He rolls his eyes but complies. And when his back is turned . . . I let go, and
  savor the relief.
  I take stock of my injuries. My head hurts, my chest aches where Jack kicked
  me, and my side throbs where he pushed me to the ground. Plus I’m thirsty
  and hungry. Jeez, really hungry. I finish up, thankful that I don’t have to get up
  to wash my hands, as the sink is close. I just don’t have the strength to stand.
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  “I’m done,” I call, drying my hands on the towel.
  Christian turns and comes back in and before I know it, I’m in his arms again.
  I have missed these arms. He pauses and buries his nose in my hair.
  “Oh, I’ve missed you, Mrs. Grey,” he whispers, and with Nurse Nora fussing
  behind him, he lays me back on the bed and releases me—reluctantly, I
  “If you’ve quite finished, Mr. Grey, I’d like to check over Mrs. Grey now.”
  Nurse Nora is mad.
  He stands back. “She’s all yours,” he says in a more measured tone. She
  huffs at him then turns her attention back to me. Exasperating isn’t he?
  “How do you feel?” she asks me her voice laced with sympathy and a trace
  of irritation, which I suspect is for Christian’s benefit.
  “Sore, and thirsty. Very thirsty,” I whisper.
  “I’ll fetch you some water once I’ve checked your vitals and Dr. Bartley has
  examined you.”
  She reaches for a blood pressure cuff and wraps it around my upper arm. I
  glance anxiously up at Christian. He looks dreadful—haunted, even—as if he
  hasn’t slept for days. His hair is a mess, he hasn’t shaved for a long time,
  and his shirt is badly wrinkled. I frown.
  “How are you feeling?” Ignoring the nurse, he sits down on the bed out of
  arm’s reach.
  “Confused. Achy. Hungry.”
  “Hungry?” He blinks in surprise.
  I nod.
  “What do you want to eat?”
  “Anything. Soup.”
  “Mr. Grey, you’ll need to the doctor’s approval before Mrs. Grey can eat.”
  He gazes at her impassively for a moment then takes his BlackBerry out of
  his pants pocket and presses a number.
  “Ana wants chicken soup . . . Good . . . Thank you.” He hangs up. I glance at
  Nora whose eyes narrow at Christian.
  “Taylor?” I ask quickly.
  Christian nods.
  “Your blood pressure is normal, Mrs. Grey. I’ll fetch the doctor.”
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  She removes the cuff and, without so much as another word, stalks out of the
  room, radiating disapproval.
  “I think you made Nurse Nora mad.”
  “I have that effect on women.” He smirks.
  I laugh, then stop suddenly as pain radiates through my chest. “Yes, you do.”
  “Oh Ana, I love to hear you laugh.”
  Nora returns with a pitcher of water. We both fall silent, gazing at each other
  as she pours out a glass and hands it to me.
  “Small sips now,” she warns.
  “Yes, ma’am,” I mutter and take a welcome sip of cool water. Oh my. It tastes
  perfect. I take another, and Christian watches me intently.
  “Mia?” I ask.
  “She’s safe. Thanks to you.”
  “They did have her?”
  All the madness was for a reason. Relief spirals through my body . Thank
  God, thank God, thank God she’s okay. I frown.
  “How did they get her?”
  “Elizabeth Morgan,” he says simply.
  He nods. “She picked her up at Mia’s gym.”
  I frown, still not understanding.
  “Ana, I’ll fill you in on the details later. Mia is fine, all things considered. She
  was drugged. She’s groggy now and shaken up, but by some miracle she
  wasn’t harmed.” Christian’s jaw clenches. “What you did”—he runs his hand
  through his hair—“was incredibly brave and incredibly stupid. You could have
  been killed.” His eyes blaze a bleak, chilling gray, and I know he’s restraining
  his anger.
  “I didn’t know what else to do,” I whisper.
  “You could have told me!” he says vehemently, fisting his hands in his lap.
  “He said he’d kill her if I told anyone. I couldn’t take that risk.”
  Christian closes his eyes, dread etched in his face.
  “I have died a thousand deaths since Thursday.”
  “What day is it?”
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  “It’s almost Saturday,” he says, checking his watch. “You’ve been
  unconscious for over twenty-four hours.”
  “And Jack and Elizabeth?”
  “In police custody. Although Hyde is here under guard. They had to remove
  the bullet you left in him,” Christian says bitterly. “I don’t know where in this
  hospital he is, fortunately, or I’d probably kill him myself.” His face darkens.
  Oh shit. Jack is here?
  “That’s for SIP you fucking bitch!” I pale. My empty stomach convulses, tears
  prick my eyes, and a deep shudder runs through me.
  “Hey.” Christian scoots forward, his voice filled with concern. Taking the
  glass from my hand, he tenderly folds me into his arms.
  “You’re safe now,” he murmurs against my hair, his voice hoarse.
  “Christian, I’m so sorry.” My tears start to fall.
  “Hush.” He strokes my hair, and I weep into his neck.
  “What I said. I was never going to leave you.”
  “Hush, baby, I know.”
  “You do?” His admission halts my tears.
  “I worked it out. Eventually. Honestly, Ana, what were you thinking?” His tone
  is strained.
  “You took me by surprise,” I mutter into his shirt collar. “When we spoke at the
  bank. Thinking I was leaving you. I thought you knew me better. I’ve said to
  you over and over I would never leave.”
  “But after the appalling way I’ve behaved—” His voice is barely audible, and
  his arms tighten around me. “I thought for a short time that I’d lost you.”
  “No, Christian. Never. I didn’t want you to interfere, and put Mia’s life in
  He sighs, and I don’t know if it’s from anger, exasperation, or hurt.
  “How did you work it out?” I ask quickly to distract him from his line of
  thought. Reaching up, he tucks my hair behind my ear.
  “I’d just touched down in Seattle when the bank called. Last I’d heard, you
  were ill and going home.”
  “So you were in Portland when Sawyer called you from the car?”
  “We were just about to take off. I was worried about you,” he says softly.
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  “You were?”
  He frowns. “Of course I was.” He skirts his thumb over my bottom lip. “I spend
  my life worrying about you. You know that.”
  Oh, Christian!
  “Jack called me at the office,” I murmur. “He gave me two hours to get the
  money.” I shrug. “I had to leave, and it just seemed the best excuse.”
  Christian’s mouth presses into a hard line. “And you gave Sawyer the slip.
  He’s mad at you, as well.”
  “As well?”
  “As well as me.”
  I reach up and tentatively touch his face, running my fingers over his stubble.
  He closes his eyes, leaning into my fingers.
  “Don’t be mad at me. Please,” I whisper.
  “I am so mad at you. What you did was monumentally stupid. Bordering on
  “I told you, I didn’t know what else to do.”
  “You don’t seem to have any regard for your personal safety. And it’s not just
  you now,” he adds angrily.
  My lip trembles. He’s thinking about our Little Blip. The door opens, startling
  us both, and a young African-American woman in a white coat over gray
  scrubs strides in.
  “Good evening, Mrs. Grey. I’m Dr. Bartley.”
  She starts to examine me thoroughly, shining a light in my eyes, making me
  touch her fingers, then my nose while closing first one eye and then the other,
  and checking all my reflexes. But her voice is soft and her touch gentle; she

  has a warm bedside manner. Nurse Nora joins her, and Christian wanders to
  the corner of the room and makes some calls while the two of them tend to
  me. It’s hard to concentrate on Dr. Bartley, Nurse Nora, and Christian at the
  same time, but I hear him call his father, my mother, and Kate to say I’m
  awake. Finally, he leaves a message for Ray.
  Ray. Oh shit . . . A vague memory of his voice comes back to me. He was
  here—yes, while I was still unconscious.
  Dr. Bartley checks my ribs, her fingers probing gently but firmly. I wince.
  “These are bruised, not cracked or broken. You were very lucky, 437 | P a g
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  Mrs. Grey.”
  I scowl. Lucky? Not the word I would have chosen. Christian glowers at her,
  too. He mouths something at me. I think it’s foolhardy, but I’m not sure.
  “I’ll prescribe some painkillers. You’ll need them for this and for the headache
  you must have. But all’s looking as it should, Mrs. Grey. I suggest you get
  some sleep. Depending on how you feel in the morning, we may let you go
  home. My colleague Dr. Singh will be attending you then.”
  “Thank you.”
  There’s a knock on the door, and Taylor enters bearing a black cardboard
  box with Fairmont Olympic emblazoned in cream on the side.
  Holy cow!
  “Food?” Dr. Bartley says surprised.
  “Mrs. Grey is hungry,” Christian says. “This is chicken soup.”
  Dr. Bartley smiles. “Soup will be fine, just the broth. Nothing heavy.” She
  looks pointedly at both of us then exits the room with Nurse Nora.
  Christian pulls the wheeled tray over to me, and Taylor places the box on it.
  “Welcome back, Mrs. Grey.”
  “Hello, Taylor. Thank you.”
  “You’re most welcome, ma’am.” I think he wants to say more, but he holds off.
  Christian is unpacking the box, producing a thermos, soup bowl, side plate,
  linen napkin, soupspoon, a small basket of bread rolls, silver salt and pepper
  shakers . . . The Olympic has gone all-out.
  “This is great, Taylor.” My stomach is rumbling. I am famished.
  “Will that be all?” he asks.
  “Yes, thanks,” Christian says, dismissing him.
  Taylor nods.
  “Taylor, thank you.”
  “Anything else I can get you, Mrs. Grey?”
  I glance at Christian. “Just some clean clothes for Christian.”
  Taylor smiles. “Yes, ma’am.”
  Christian glances down at his shirt, bemused.
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  “How long have you been wearing that shirt?” I ask.
  “Since Thursday morning.” He gives me a crooked smile. Taylor exits.
  “Taylor’s real pissed at you, too,” Christian adds grumpily, unscrewing the lid
  of the thermos and pouring creamy chicken soup into the bowl.
  Taylor, too! But I don’t dwell on that as my chicken soup distracts me. It
  smells delicious, and steam curls invitingly from its surface. I take a taste and
  it’s everything it promised to be.
  “Good?” Christian asks, perching on the bed again.
  I nod enthusiastically and don’t stop. My hunger is primal. I pause only to
  wipe my mouth on the linen napkin.
  “Tell me what happened—after you realized what was going on.”
  Christian runs his hand through his hair and shakes his head. “Oh, Ana, it’s
  good to see you eat.”
  “I’m hungry. Tell me.”
  He frowns. “Well, after the bank called and I thought my world had completely
  fallen apart—” He can’t hide the pain in his voice. I stop eating . Oh shit.
  “Don’t stop eating, or I’ll stop talking,” he whispers, his tone adamant as he
  glares at me. I continue with my soup. Okay, okay . . . Damn, it tastes good.
  Christian’s gaze softens and after a beat, he resumes.
  “Anyway, shortly after you and I had finished our conversation, Taylor
  informed me that Hyde had been granted bail. How, I don’t know, I thought
  we’d managed to thwart any attempts at bail. But that gave me a moment to
  think about what you’d said . . . and I knew something was seriously wrong.”
  “It was never about the money,” I snap suddenly, an unexpected surge of
  anger flaring in my belly. My voice rises. “How could you even think that? It’s
  never been about your fucking money!” My head starts to pound and I wince.
  Christian gapes at me for a split second, surprised by my vehemence. He
  narrows his eyes.
  “Mind your language,” he growls. “Calm down and eat.”
  I glare mutinously at him.
  “Ana,” he warns.
  “That hurt me more than anything, Christian,” I whisper. “Almost as 439 | P a
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  much as you seeing that woman.”
  He inhales sharply as if I’ve slapped him and all of a sudden, he looks
  exhausted. Closing his eyes briefly, he shakes his head, resigned.
  “I know.” He sighs. “And I’m sorry. More than you know.” His eyes are
  luminous with contrition. “Please, eat. While your soup is still hot.” His voice
  is soft and compelling, and I do as he asks. He breathes a sigh of relief.
  “Go on,” I whisper, between bites of the illicit fresh white bread roll.
  “We didn’t know Mia was missing. I thought maybe he was blackmailing you
  or something. I called you back, but you didn’t answer.” He scowls. “I left you
  a message then called Sawyer. Taylor started tracking your cell. I knew you
  were at the bank, so we headed straight there.”
  “I don’t know how Sawyer found me. Was he tracking my cell, too?”
  “The Saab is fitted with a tracking device. All our cars are. By the time we got
  near the bank, you were already on the move, and we followed. Why are you
  “On some level I knew you’d be stalking me.”
  “And that is amusing because?” he asks.
  “Jack had instructed me to get rid of my cell. So I borrowed Whelan’s cell,
  and that’s the one I threw away. I put mine into one of the duffle bags so you
  could track your money.”
  Christian sighs. “Our money, Ana,” he says quietly. “Eat.”
  I wipe my soup bowl with the last of my bread and pop it into my mouth. For
  the first time in a long while, I feel replete in spite of our conversation.
  “Good girl.”
  There’s a knock on the door and Nurse Nora enters once more, carrying a
  small paper cup. Christian clears away my plate, and starts putting all the
  items back into the box.
  “Pain relief.” Nora smiles, showing me the white pill in the paper cup.
  “Is this okay to take? You know—with the baby?”
  “Yes, Mrs. Grey. It’s Lortab—it’s fine; it won’t affect the baby.”
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  I nod gratefully. My head is pounding. I swallow it down with a sip of water.
  “You ought to rest, Mrs. Grey.” Nurse Nora looks pointedly at Christian.
  He nods.
  No! “You’re going?” I exclaim, panic setting in. Don’t go—we’ve just started
  Christian snorts. “If you think for one moment I’m going to let you out of my
  sight, Mrs. Grey, you are very much mistaken.”
  Nora huffs but hovers over me and readjusts my pillows so that I have to lie
  “Goodnight, Mrs. Grey,” she says, and with one last censorious glance at
  Christian, she leaves.
  He raises an eyebrow as she closes the door.
  “I don’t think Nurse Nora approves of me.”
  He stands by the bed, looking tired, and in spite of the fact that I want him to
  stay, I know I should try to persuade him to go home.
  “You need rest, too, Christian. Go home. You look exhausted.”
  “I’m not leaving you. I’ll doze in this armchair.”
  I scowl at him then shift onto my side.
  “Sleep with me.”
  He frowns. “No. I can’t.”
  “Why not?”
  “I don’t want to hurt you.”
  “You won’t hurt me. Please, Christian.”
  “You have an IV.”
  “Christian. Please.”
  He gazes at me, and I can tell he’s tempted.
  “Please.” I lift up the blankets, inviting him into the bed.
  “Fuck it.” He slips off his shoes and socks, and gingerly climbs in beside me.
  Gently, he wraps his arm around me, and I lay my head on his chest. He
  kisses my hair.
  “I don’t think Nurse Nora will be very happy with this arrangement,” he
  whispers conspiratorially.
  I giggle, then stop as pain lances through my chest.
  “Don’t make me laugh. It hurts.”
  “Oh, but I love that sound,” he says a little sadly, his voice low. 441 | P a g e
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  “I’m sorry, baby, so, so sorry.” He kisses my hair again and inhales deeply,
  and I don’t know what he’s apologizing for . . . making me laugh? Or the
  mess we’re in? I rest my hand over his heart, and he gently places his hand
  on mine. We are both silent for a moment.
  “Why did you go see that woman?”
  “Oh, Ana.” He groans. “You want to discuss that now? Can’t we drop this? I
  regret it, okay?”
  “I need to know.”
  “I’ll tell you tomorrow,” he mutters, irritated. “Oh, and Detective Clark wants to
  talk to you. Just routine. Now go to sleep.”

  He kisses my hair. I sigh heavily. I need to know why. At least he says he
  regrets it. That’s something, my subconscious agrees. She’s in an agreeable
  mood today, it seems. Ugh, Detective Clark. I shudder at the thought of
  reliving Thursday’s events for him.
  “Do we know why Jack was doing all this?”
  “Hmm,” Christian murmurs. I’m soothed by the slow rise and fall of his chest,
  gently rocking my head, lulling me to sleep as his breathing slows. And as I
  drift I try to make sense of the fragments of conversations I heard while I was
  on the edge of consciousness, but they slither through my mind, remaining
  steadfastly elusive, taunting me from the edges of my memory. Oh, it’s
  frustrating and exhausting . . . and . . .
  Nurse Nora’s mouth is pursed and her arms folded in hostility. I hold my
  finger up to my lips.
  “Please let him sleep,” I whisper, squinting in the early morning light.
  “This is your bed. Not his,” she hisses sternly.
  “I slept better because he was here.” I insist, rushing to my husband’s
  defense. Besides, it’s true. Christian stirs, and Nurse Nora and I freeze.
  He mumbles in his sleep, “Don’t touch me. No more. Only Ana.”
  I frown. I have rarely heard Christian talk in his sleep. Admittedly, that might
  be because he sleeps less than I do. I’ve only ever heard his nightmares. His
  arms tighten around me, squeezing me, and I wince.
  “Mrs. Grey—” Nurse Nora glowers.
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  “Please,” I beg.
  She shakes her head, turns on her heel and leaves, and I snuggle up against
  Christian again.
  When I wake, Christian is nowhere to be seen. The sun is blazing through the
  windows, and I can now really appreciate the room. I have flowers! I didn’t
  notice them the night before. Several bouquets. I wonder idly who they’re
  A soft knock distracts me, and Carrick peeks around the door. He beams
  when he sees that I’m awake.
  “May I come in?” he asks.
  “Of course.”
  He strides into the room and over to me, his soft, gentle blue eyes assessing
  me shrewdly. He’s wearing a dark suit—he must be working. He surprises
  me by leaning down and kissing my forehead.
  “May I sit?”
  I nod, and he perches on the edge of the bed and takes my hand.
  “I don’t know how to thank you for my daughter, you crazy, brave, darling girl.
  What you did probably saved her life. I will be forever in your debt.” His voice
  wavers, filled with gratitude and compassion. Oh . . . I don’t know what to say.
  I squeeze his hand but remain mute.
  “How are you feeling?”
  “Better. Sore.” I add, for honesty’s sake.
  “Have they given you meds for the pain?”
  “Lor . . . something.”
  “Good. Where’s Christian?”
  “I don’t know. When I woke up, he was gone.”
  “He won’t be far away, I’m sure. He wouldn’t leave you while you were
  “I know.”
  “He’s a little mad at you, as he should be.” Carrick smirks. Ah, this is where
  Christian gets it from.
  “Christian is always mad at me.”
  “Is he?” Carrick smiles, pleased—as if this is a good thing. His smile is
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  “How’s Mia?”
  His eyes cloud and his smile vanishes. “She’s better. Mad as hell. I think
  anger is a healthy reaction to what happened to her.”
  “Is she here?”
  “No, she’s back at home. I don’t think Grace will let her out of her sight.”
  “I know how that feels.”
  “You need watching, too,” he admonishes. “I don’t want you taking anymore
  silly risks with your life or the life of my grandchild.”
  I flush. He knows!
  “Grace read your chart. She told me. Congratulations.”
  “Um . . . thank you.”
  He gazes down at me, and his eyes soften, though he frowns at my
  “Christian will come around,” he says gently. “This will be the best thing for
  him. Just . . . give him some time.”
  I nod . Oh . . . They’ve spoken.
  “I’d better go. I’m due in court.” He smiles and rises. “I’ll check in on you later.
  Grace speaks highly of Dr. Singh and Dr. Bartley. They know what they’re
  He leans down and kisses me once more.
  “I mean it, Ana. I can never repay what you’ve done for us. Thank you.”
  I look up at him, blinking back tears, suddenly overwhelmed, and he strokes
  my cheek affectionately. Then he turns on his heels and leaves. Oh my. I’m
  reeling from his gratitude. Perhaps now I can let the prenup debacle go. My
  subconscious nods sagely, in agreement with me yet again. I shake my head
  and gingerly get out of bed. I’m relieved to find that I am much steadier on my
  feet than yesterday. In spite of Christian sharing the bed, I have slept well and
  feel refreshed. My head still aches, but it’s a dull nagging pain, nothing like
  the pounding yesterday. I’m stiff and sore, but I just need a bath. I feel grimy. I
  head into the en suite.
  “Ana! ” Christian shouts.
  “I’m in the bathroom,” I call as I finish brushing my teeth. That 444 | P a g e
  feels better. I ignore my reflection in the mirror. Jeez, I look a mess. When I
  open the door, Christian is by the bed, holding a tray of food. He’s
  transformed. Dressed entirely in black, he’s shaved, showered, and looks
  well rested.
  “Good morning, Mrs. Grey,” he says brightly. “I have your breakfast.” He looks
  so boyish and much happier.
  Wow. I smile broadly at him as I climb back into bed. He pulls over the tray on
  wheels and lifts the cover to reveal my breakfast: oatmeal with dried fruits,
  pancakes with bacon and maple syrup, orange juice and Twinings breakfast
  tea. My mouth waters; I’m so hungry. I down the orange juice in a few gulps
  and dig into the oatmeal. Christian sits down on the edge of the bed to
  watch. He smirks at me.
  “What?” I ask with my mouth full.
  “I like to watch you eat,” he says. But I don’t think that’s what he’s smirking
  about. “How are you feeling?”
  “Better,” I mutter between mouthfuls.
  “I’ve never seen you eat like this.”
  I glance up at him, and my heart sinks. We have to address the very tiny
  elephant in the room.
  “It’s because I’m pregnant, Christian.”
  He snorts, and his mouth twists into an ironic smile. “If I knew getting you
  knocked up was going to make you eat, I might have done it earlier.”
  “Christian Grey!” I gasp and set the oatmeal down.
  “Don’t stop eating,” he warns.
  “Christian, we need to talk about this.”
  He stills. “What’s there to say? We’re going to be parents.” He shrugs,
  desperately trying to look nonchalant, but all I can see is his fear. Pushing the
  tray aside, I crawl down the bed to him and take his hands in mine.
  “You’re scared,” I whisper. “I get it.”
  He gazes at me, impassive, his eyes wide and all his earlier boyishness
  stripped away.
  “I am, too. That’s normal,” I whisper.
  “What kind of father could I possibly be?” His voice is hoarse, barely audible.
  “Oh, Christian.” I stifle a sob. “One that tries his best. That’s all any 445 | P a
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  of us can do.”
  “Ana—I don’t know if I can . . .”
  “Of course you can. You’re loving, you’re fun, you’re strong, you’ll set
  boundaries. Our child will want for nothing.”
  He’s frozen, staring at me, doubt etched on his beautiful face. I continue.
  “Yes, it would have been ideal to have waited. To have longer, just the two of
  us. But we’ll be three of us, and we’ll all grow up together. We’ll be a family.
  Our own family. And your child will love you unconditionally, like I do.” Tears
  spring to my eyes.
  “Oh, Ana,” Christian whispers, his voice anguished and pained. “I thought I’d
  lost you. Then I thought I’d lost you again. Seeing you lying on the ground,
  pale and cold and unconscious—it was all my worst fears realized. And now
  here you are—brave and strong . . . giving me hope. Loving me after all that
  I’ve done.”
  “Yes, I do love you, Christian, desperately. I always will.”
  Gently taking my head between his hands, he wipes my tears away with his
  thumbs. He gazes into my eyes, gray to blue, and all I see is his fear and
  wonder and love.
  “I love you, too,” he breathes. And he bends and kisses me sweetly, tenderly
  like a man who adores his wife.
  “I’ll try to be a good father,” he whispers against my lips.
  “You’ll try, and you’ll succeed. And let’s face it; you don’t have much choice in
  the matter, because Blip and I are not going anywhere.”
  He raises his eyebrows. “I had the name Junior in my head.”
  “Junior it is, then.”
  “But I like Blip.” He smiles his shy smile and kisses me once more.
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章节:34 人气:2
摘要:我看到她进来。想看不到也难。她一头金发近乎银色,要是长在小孩头上,就叫亚麻色。头发编成粗辫子盘在顶上,用发针别住。她前额高而平滑,颧骨突出,嘴巴略大。加上西部风格的靴子,她得有六尺高了。主要是双腿长。她穿着紫色名牌牛仔裤,香槟色皮毛短上衣。雨时断时续下了一整天,但她没带伞,头上也没有任何遮挡。水珠在她的发辫上闪烁着,像钻石。她在门口站了会儿,四下张望。这是周三下午,三点半左右。 [点击阅读]
章节:10 人气:2
摘要:昆虫的天地卡弥尼树的枝丫,悬曳着露水打湿的坚韧的蛛丝。花园曲径的两旁,星散着小小的棕色蚁垤。上午,下午,我穿行其间,忽然发现素馨花枝绽开了花苞,达迦尔树缀满了洁白的花朵。地球上,人的家庭看起来很小,其实不然。昆虫的巢穴何尝不是如此哩。它们不易看清,却处于一切创造的中心。世世代代,它们有许多的忧虑,许多的难处,许多的需求——构成了漫长的历史。 [点击阅读]
章节:52 人气:2
摘要:荐语:未满十八岁请在家长指导下阅读本书。版本较好的是上海译文出版社周克希先生的译本。价廉物美,仅10元一本,现在最便宜最没有人看的恐怕就是这些名著了。【小说】--引言小说描写的是一位小资产阶级妇女,因为不满意夫妻生活平淡无奇而和别人通|奸,最终因此身败名裂,服毒自杀的故事。 [点击阅读]
章节:57 人气:2
摘要:匹克威克派除却疑云,把黑暗化为耀眼的光明,使不朽的匹克威克的光荣事业的早期历史免于湮没,这第一线光辉,是检阅匹克威克社文献中如下的记载得来的;编者把这个记录呈献于读者之前,感到最大的荣幸,这证明了托付给他的浩瀚的文件的时候所具有的小心谨慎、孜孜不倦的勤勉和高超的眼力。一八二七年五月十二日。主席,匹克威克社永任副社长约瑟夫·史密格斯阁下。一致通过如下的决议。 [点击阅读]
章节:21 人气:2
摘要:CT是一种反物质,它也可以说成是物质的一种倒转的体现形式。对于地球来讲,CT是陌生的,但在太空中却存在着许多由它构成的流星、慧星和小行星。CT原子由带负电的原子核和带正电的电子组成。这是一种肉眼不能看见的差别,但也是一种致命的差别。CT物质看起来与普通的物质别无二致——只要二者不碰触到一起。一旦碰触发生,两种物质正好相反的电荷互相抵销,相反的粒子发生爆炸,释放出巨大的能量。 [点击阅读]
章节:10 人气:2
摘要:一一天早晨,格里高尔.萨姆沙从不安的睡梦中醒来,发现自己躺在床上变成了一只巨大的甲虫。他仰卧着,那坚硬的像铁甲一般的背贴着床,他稍稍抬了抬头,便看见自己那穹顶似的棕色肚子分成了好多块弧形的硬片,被子几乎盖不住肚子尖,都快滑下来了。比起偌大的身驱来,他那许多只腿真是细得可怜,都在他眼前无可奈何地舞动着。“我出了什么事啦?”他想。这可不是梦。 [点击阅读]
章节:48 人气:2
摘要:千重子发现老枫树干上的紫花地丁开了花。“啊,今年又开花了。”千重子感受到春光的明媚。在城里狭窄的院落里,这棵枫树可算是大树了。树干比千重子的腰围还粗。当然,它那粗老的树皮,长满青苔的树干,怎能比得上千重子娇嫩的身躯……枫树的树干在千重子腰间一般高的地方,稍向右倾;在比千重子的头部还高的地方,向右倾斜得更厉害了。枝桠从倾斜的地方伸展开去,占据了整个庭院。它那长长的枝梢,也许是负荷太重,有点下垂了。 [点击阅读]
章节:6 人气:2
摘要:1妹妹:我从记事的年代就常常地想,我这辈子总得抽时间把这事写出来。但是一旦动笔写,虽然我相信一定能够按当初确定的写法毫不偏离地写下去,然而回头看看写出来的东西,又踌蹰不前了。所以此刻打算给你写这个信。妹妹,你那下身穿工作裤上身穿红衬衫,衬衫下摆打成结,露出肚子,宽宽的额头也袒露无遗,而且笑容满面的照片,还有那前额头发全用发夹子夹住的彩色幻灯照片,我全看到了。 [点击阅读]
章节:75 人气:2
摘要:《名利场》是英国十九世纪小说家萨克雷的成名作品,也是他生平著作里最经得起时间考验的杰作。故事取材于很热闹的英国十九世纪中上层社会。当时国家强盛,工商业发达,由榨压殖民地或剥削劳工而发财的富商大贾正主宰着这个社会,英法两国争权的战争也在这时响起了炮声。 [点击阅读]
章节:22 人气:2
摘要:乔治·戈登·拜伦(1788-1824)是苏格兰贵族。1788年1月23日出生于伦敦。他天生跛一足,并对此很敏感。十岁时,拜伦家族的世袭爵位及产业(纽斯泰德寺院是其府邸)落到他身上,成为拜伦第六世勋爵。1805-1808年在剑桥大学学文学及历史,他是个不正规的学生,很少听课,却广泛阅读了欧洲和英国的文学、哲学和历史著作,同时也从事射击、赌博、饮酒、打猎、游泳等各种活动。 [点击阅读]