For You to Read
爱丽丝漫游奇境记英文版 - CHAPTER XI Who Stole the Tarts?
  The King and Queen of Hearts were seated on their throne when they arrived, with a great crowd assembled about them--all sorts of little birds and beasts, as well as the whole pack of cards: the Knave was standing before them, in chains, with a soldier on each side to guard him; and near the King was the White Rabbit, with a trumpet in one hand, and a scroll of parchment in the other. In the very middle of the court was a table, with a large dish of tarts upon it: they looked so good, that it made Alice quite hungry to look at them--`I wish they'd get the trial done,' she thought, `and hand round the refreshments!' But there seemed to be no chance of this, so she began looking at everything about her, to pass away the time.Alice had never been in a court of justice before, but she had read about them in books, and she was quite pleased to find that she knew the name of nearly everything there. `That's the judge,' she said to herself, `because of his great wig.'The judge, by the way, was the King; and as he wore his crown over the wig, (look at the frontispiece if you want to see how he did it,) he did not look at all comfortable, and it was certainly not becoming.`And that's the jury-box,' thought Alice, `and those twelve creatures,' (she was obliged to say `creatures,' you see, because some of them were animals, and some were birds,) `I suppose they are the jurors.' She said this last word two or three times over to herself, being rather proud of it: for she thought, and rightly too, that very few little girls of her age knew the meaning of it at all. However, `jury-men' would have done just as well.The twelve jurors were all writing very busily on slates. `What are they doing?' Alice whispered to the Gryphon. `They can't have anything to put down yet, before the trial's begun.'`They're putting down their names,' the Gryphon whispered in reply, `for fear they should forget them before the end of the trial.'`Stupid things!' Alice began in a loud, indignant voice, but she stopped hastily, for the White Rabbit cried out, `Silence in the court!' and the King put on his spectacles and looked anxiously round, to make out who was talking.Alice could see, as well as if she were looking over their shoulders, that all the jurors were writing down `stupid things!' on their slates, and she could even make out that one of them didn't know how to spell `stupid,' and that he had to ask his neighbour to tell him. `A nice muddle their slates'll be in before the trial's over!' thought Alice.One of the jurors had a pencil that squeaked. This of course, Alice could not stand, and she went round the court and got behind him, and very soon found an opportunity of taking it away. She did it so quickly that the poor little juror (it was Bill, the Lizard) could not make out at all what had become of it; so, after hunting all about for it, he was obliged to write with one finger for the rest of the day; and this was of very little use, as it left no mark on the slate.`Herald, read the accusation!' said the King.On this the White Rabbit blew three blasts on the trumpet, and then unrolled the parchment scroll, and read as follows:--`The Queen of Hearts, she made some tarts, All on a summer day: The Knave of Hearts, he stole those tarts, And took them quite away!'`Consider your verdict,' the King said to the jury.`Not yet, not yet!' the Rabbit hastily interrupted. `There's a great deal to come before that!'`Call the first witness,' said the King; and the White Rabbit blew three blasts on the trumpet, and called out, `First witness!'The first witness was the Hatter. He came in with a teacup in one hand and a piece of bread-and-butter in the other. `I beg pardon, your Majesty,' he began, `for bringing these in: but I hadn't quite finished my tea when I was sent for.'`You ought to have finished,' said the King. `When did youbegin?'The Hatter looked at the March Hare, who had followed him into the court, arm-in-arm with the Dormouse. `Fourteenth of March, I think it was,' he said.`Fifteenth,' said the March Hare.`Sixteenth,' added the Dormouse.`Write that down,' the King said to the jury, and the jury eagerly wrote down all three dates on their slates, and then added them up, and reduced the answer to shillings and pence.`Take off your hat,' the King said to the Hatter.`It isn't mine,' said the Hatter.`Stolen!' the King exclaimed, turning to the jury, who instantly made a memorandum of the fact.`I keep them to sell,' the Hatter added as an explanation;`I've none of my own. I'm a hatter.'Here the Queen put on her spectacles, and began staring at theHatter, who turned pale and fidgeted.`Give your evidence,' said the King; `and don't be nervous, orI'll have you executed on the spot.'This did not seem to encourage the witness at all: he keptshifting from one foot to the other, looking uneasily at theQueen, and in his confusion he bit a large piece out of his teacup instead of the bread-and-butter.Just at this moment Alice felt a very curious sensation, which puzzled her a good deal until she made out what it was: she was beginning to grow larger again, and she thought at first she would get up and leave the court; but on second thoughts she decided to remain where she was as long as there was room for her.`I wish you wouldn't squeeze so.' said the Dormouse, who was sitting next to her. `I can hardly breathe.'`I can't help it,' said Alice very meekly: `I'm growing.'`You've no right to grow here,' said the Dormouse.`Don't talk nonsense,' said Alice more boldly: `you know you're growing too.'`Yes, but I grow at a reasonable pace,' said the Dormouse:`not in that ridiculous fashion.' And he got up very sulkily and crossed over to the other side of the court.All this time the Queen had never left off staring at the Hatter, and, just as the Dormouse crossed the court, she said to one of the officers of the court, `Bring me the list of the singers in the last concert!' on which the wretched Hatter trembled so, that he shook both his shoes off.`Give your evidence,' the King repeated angrily, `or I'll have you executed, whether you're nervous or not.'`I'm a poor man, your Majesty,' the Hatter began, in a trembling voice, `--and I hadn't begun my tea--not above a week or so--and what with the bread-and-butter getting so thin--and the twinkling of the tea--'`The twinkling of the what?' said the King.`It began with the tea,' the Hatter replied.`Of course twinkling begins with a T!' said the King sharply. `Do you take me for a dunce? Go on!'`I'm a poor man,' the Hatter went on, `and most thingstwinkled after that--only the March Hare said--'`I didn't!' the March Hare interrupted in a great hurry.`You did!' said the Hatter.`I deny it!' said the March Hare.`He denies it,' said the King: `leave out that part.'`Well, at any rate, the Dormouse said--' the Hatter went on,looking anxiously round to see if he would deny it too: but the Dormouse denied nothing, being fast asleep.`After that,' continued the Hatter, `I cut some more bread- and-butter--'`But what did the Dormouse say?' one of the jury asked.`That I can't remember,' said the Hatter.`You MUST remember,' remarked the King, `or I'll have you executed.'The miserable Hatter dropped his teacup and bread-and-butter, and went down on one knee. `I'm a poor man, your Majesty,' he began.`You're a very poor speaker,' said the King.Here one of the guinea-pigs cheered, and was immediately suppressed by the officers of the court. (As that is rather a hard word, I will just explain to you how it was done. They had a large canvas bag, which tied up at the mouth with strings: into this they slipped the guinea-pig, head first, and then sat upon it.)`I'm glad I've seen that done,' thought Alice. `I've so often read in the newspapers, at the end of trials, "There was some attempts at applause, which was immediately suppressed by the officers of the court," and I never understood what it meant till now.'`If that's all you know about it, you may stand down,' continued the King.`I can't go no lower,' said the Hatter: `I'm on the floor, as it is.'`Then you may SIT down,' the King replied.Here the other guinea-pig cheered, and was suppressed.`Come, that finished the guinea-pigs!' thought Alice. `Now we shall get on better.'`I'd rather finish my tea,' said the Hatter, with an anxious look at the Queen, who was reading the list of singers.`You may go,' said the King, and the Hatter hurriedly left the court, without even waiting to put his shoes on.`--and just take his head off outside,' the Queen added to one of the officers: but the Hatter was out of sight before the officer could get to the door.`Call the next witness!' said the King.The next witness was the Duchess's cook. She carried the pepper-box in her hand, and Alice guessed who it was, even before she got into the court, by the way the people near the door began sneezing all at once.`Give your evidence,' said the King.`Shan't,' said the cook.The King looked anxiously at the White Rabbit, who said in a low voice, `Your Majesty must cross-examine THIS witness.'`Well, if I must, I must,' the King said, with a melancholy air, and, after folding his arms and frowning at the cook till his eyes were nearly out of sight, he said in a deep voice, `What are tarts made of?'`pepper, mostly,' said the cook.`Treacle,' said a sleepy voice behind her.`Collar that Dormouse,' the Queen shrieked out. `Behead that Dormouse! Turn that Dormouse out of court! Suppress him! pinch him! Off with his whiskers!'For some minutes the whole court was in confusion, getting the Dormouse turned out, and, by the time they had settled down again, the cook had disappeared.`Never mind!' said the King, with an air of great relief. `Call the next witness.' And he added in an undertone to the Queen, `Really, my dear, YOU must cross-examine the next witness. It quite makes my forehead ache!'Alice watched the White Rabbit as he fumbled over the list, feeling very curious to see what the next witness would be like, `--for they haven't got much evidence YET,' she said to herself. Imagine her surprise, when the White Rabbit read out, at the top of his shrill little voice, the name `Alice!'
章节:26 人气:0
摘要:一艾瑞丝-玛尔正在想着她的姐姐罗斯玛丽。在过去将近一年里,她极尽可能地试着把罗斯玛丽自脑海中抹去。她不想去记起。那太痛苦——太恐怖了!那氰化钾中毒发蓝的脸孔,那痉挛紧缩的手指……那与前一天欢乐可爱的罗斯玛丽形成的强烈对比……呵,也许并不真的是欢乐。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:在喧闹的大街拐弯之后,刹那间四周变得寂静无声,黑暗中一排路灯伫立在街头。放眼望去,只有一盏红绿灯在寒空中绽放着鲜红色的光芒。速见修平往前欠身,嘱咐计程车司机行驶至红绿灯时左转。这一带是世田谷的新兴社区,近年来开始兴建,大量的超级市场和公寓,修平目前住的房子也是三年前才盖好的。住宅用地有高度的限制,修平住的公寓只有三层楼,他本身住在二楼。 [点击阅读]
章节:31 人气:0
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章节:27 人气:0
摘要:在19世纪末,没有人相信我们这个世界正在被一种比人类更先进,并且同样也不免会死亡的智慧生命聚精会神地注视着,又有谁会相信,当人类正在为自己的事情忙忙碌碌的时候,他们被专心致志地研究着,像人们用显微镜研究一滴水里蠕动繁殖的生物一般仔细。自高自大的人类来往于世界各地,忙着干自己的事,自以为控制了物质世界的一切。显微镜下的纤毛虫恐怕也不乏这样的幻觉。 [点击阅读]
章节:31 人气:0
摘要:第一章一位重要的旅客叙利亚。一个冬天的早晨,五点钟。阿勒颇城的月台旁,停着一列火车,这列车在铁路指南上,堂而皇之地称为陶鲁斯快车。它由一节炊事车、一节义餐车、一节卧铺车厢和两节普通客车组成。在卧铺车厢门口的踏脚板旁,站着一个年轻的法国陆军中尉,他身着耀眼的军装,正和一个小个子谈话。这小个子连头带耳都用围巾里着,除了一个鼻尖通红的鼻子和两个往上翘的胡子尖外,什么也看不见。 [点击阅读]
章节:13 人气:0
摘要:1我是一个已经步入老境的日本小说家,我从内心里感到欣慰,能够有机会面对北大附中的同学们发表讲话。现在,我在北京对年轻的中国人——也就是你们——发表讲话,可在内心里,却好像同时面对东京那些年轻的日本人发表讲话。今天这个讲话的稿子,预计在日本也将很快出版。像这样用同样的话语对中国和日本的年轻人进行呼吁,并请中国的年轻人和日本的年轻人倾听我的讲话,是我多年以来的夙愿。 [点击阅读]
章节:6 人气:0
摘要:海明为、海明微、海明威,其实是一个人,美国著名小说家,英文名Hemingway,中文通常翻译为海明威,也有作品翻译为海鸣威,仅有少数地方翻译为海明为或海明微。由于均为音译,根据相关规定,外国人名可以选用同音字,因此,以上翻译都不能算错。海明威生于l899年,逝世于1961年,1954年获得诺贝尔文学奖。海明威是一位具有独创性*的小说家。 [点击阅读]