For You to Read
安妮日记英文版 - MONDAY, JUNE 15, 1942
  MONDAY, JUNE 15, 1942I had my birthday party on Sunday afternoon. The Rin Tin Tin movie was a big hit with my classmates. I got two brooches, a bookmark and two books. I'll start by saying a few things about my school and my class, beginning with the students.Betty Bloemendaal looks kind of poor, and I think she probably is. She lives on some obscure street in West Amsterdam, and none of us know where it is. She does very well at school, but that's because she works so hard, not because she's so smart. She's pretty quiet.Jacqueline van Maarsen is supposedly my best friend, but I've never had a real friend. At first I thought Jacque would be one, but I was badly mistaken.D.Q.* [* Initials have been assigned at random to those persons who prefer to remain anonymous.] is a very nervous girl who's always forgetting things, so the teachers keep assigning her extra homework as punishment. She's very kind, especially to G.Z.E.S. talks so much it isn't funny. She's always touching your hair or fiddling with your buttons when she asks you something. They say she can't stand me, but I don't care, since I don't like her much either.Henny Mets is a nice girl with a cheerful disposition, except that she talks in a loud voice and is really childish when we're playing outdoors. Unfortunately, Henny has a girlfriend named Beppy who's a bad influence on her because she's dirty and vulgar.J.R. - I could write a whole book about her. J. is a detestable, sneaky, stuck-up, two-faced gossip who thinks she's so grown-up. She's really got Jacque under her spell, and that's a shame. J. is easily offended, bursts into tears at the slightest thing and, to top it all off, is a terrible show-off. Miss J. always has to be right. She's very rich, and has a closet full of the most adorable dresses that are way too old for her. She thinks she's gorgeous, but she's not. J. and I can't stand each other.Ilse Wagner is a nice girl with a cheerful disposition, but she's extremely fInicky and can spend hours moaning and groaning about something. Ilse likes me a lot. She's very smart, but lazy.Hanneli Goslar, or Lies as she's called at school, is a bit on the strange side. She's usually shy -- outspoken at horne, but reserved around other people. She blabs whatever you tell her to her mother. But she says what she thinks, and lately I've corne to appreciate her a great deal.Nannie van Praag-Sigaar is small, funny and sensible. I think she's nice. She's pretty smart. There isn't much else you can say about Nannie. Eefje de Jong is, in my opinion, terrific. Though she's only twelve, she's quite the lady. She acts as if I were a baby. She's also very helpful, and I like her.G.Z. is the prettiest girl in our class. She has a nice face, but is kind of dumb. I think they're going to hold her back a year, but of course I haven't told her that.COMMENT ADDED BY ANNE AT A LATER DATE: To my areat surprise, G.Z. wasn't held back a year after all.And sitting next to G.Z. is the last of us twelve girls, me.There's a lot to be said about the boys, or maybe not so much after all.Maurice Coster is one of my many admirers, but pretty much of a pest. Sallie Springer has a filthy mind, and rumor has it that he's gone all the way. Still, I think he's terrific, because he's very funny.Emiel Bonewit is G.Z.'s admirer, but she doesn't care. He's pretty boring. Rob Cohen used to be in love with me too, but I can't stand him anymore. He's an obnoxious, two-faced, lying, sniveling little goof who has an awfully high opinion of himself.Max van de Velde is a farm boy from Medemblik, but eminently suitable, as Margot would say.Herman Koopman also has a filthy mind, just like Jopie de Beer, who's a terrible flirt and absolutely girl-crazy.Leo Blom is Jopie de Beer's best friend, but has been ruined by his dirty mind.Albert de Mesquita came from the Montessori School and skipped a grade. He's really smart.Leo Slager came from the same school, but isn't as smart.Ru Stoppelmon is a short, goofy boy from Almelo who transferred to this school in the middle of the year.C.N. does whatever he's not supposed to.Jacques Kocernoot sits behind us, next to C., and we (G. and I) laugh ourselves silly.Harry Schaap is the most decent boy in our class. He's nice.Werner Joseph is nice too, but all the changes taking place lately have made him too quiet, so he seems boring. Sam Salomon is one of those tough guys from across the tracks. A real brat. (Admirer!)Appie Riem is pretty Orthodox, but a brat too.
章节:26 人气:0
摘要:韦迪·卫斯特韦特之墓韦迪·卫斯特韦特是位出生于新泽西州的海军军官。他从越南战场上生还后,深深地为佛教的精神所折服,因此在退役后移居日本。虽然不能舍弃带血的牛排和打猎的爱好,但他尽可能对佛教教义加以部分独特的解释,努力使两者并存。当韦迪正在享受他最喜爱的打猎时,死神来临了。当看到爱犬得林伽已经把受伤的野鸭追得无路可逃时,他扣动扳机准备打死野鸭。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:刘易斯·卡罗尔(LewisCarroll)的真名叫查尔斯·勒特威奇·道奇森(1832~1898),是一位数学家,长期在享有盛名的牛津大学任基督堂学院数学讲师,发表了好几本数学著作。他因有严重的口吃,故而不善与人交往,但他兴趣广泛,对小说、诗歌、逻辑都颇有造诣,还是一个优秀的儿童像摄影师。作品《爱丽丝漫游仙境》是卡罗尔兴之所致,给友人的女儿爱丽丝所讲的故事,写下后加上自己的插图送给了她。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:我们身患一种可以治好的病;我们生来是向善的,如果我们愿意改正,我们就得到自然的帮助。塞涅卡:《忿怒》第十一章第十三节。※※※这本集子中的感想和看法,是没有什么次序的,而且差不多是不连贯的,它开始是为了使一位善于思考的贤良的母亲看了高兴而写的。 [点击阅读]
章节:12 人气:0
摘要:虽然我不知道望月那天原来打算邀请的第四个人是谁,不过我恐怕得感谢那家伙一辈子。托了这家伙临时爽约的福,我才得以与她邂逅。电话打过来时已经过了下午五点,望月随便寒暄了两句便直奔主题。“抱歉突然给你打电话,其实呢,今天晚上有一个酒会,有一个人突然来不了了。你今天……有空吗?有什么安排吗?”“不,没什么。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:石真译1沙杰汗①,你宁愿听任皇权消失,却希望使一滴爱的泪珠②永存。岁月无情,它毫不怜悯人的心灵,它嘲笑心灵因不肯忘却而徒劳挣扎。沙杰汗,你用美诱惑它,使它着迷而被俘,你给无形的死神戴上了永不凋谢的形象的王冠。静夜无声,你在情人耳边倾诉的悄悄私语已经镌刻在永恒沉默的白石上。 [点击阅读]
章节:30 人气:0
摘要:《父与子》描写的是父辈与子辈冲突的主题。这一冲突在屠格涅夫笔下着上了时代的色彩。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:吃早饭的时候,莫利先生的心情绝称不上极佳。他抱怨熏肉的味道不好,不明白咖啡为什么非要给弄得象泥浆似的,而他对面包的评价是每一片都比上一片更难以下咽。莫利先生个头不高,却有一副给人决断感的颚和好斗感的下巴。他姐姐身材高大,颇有女手榴弹兵的气度,她料理着他的生活。她若有所思地看着弟弟,问他洗澡水是不是又该冷了。莫利先生勉强回答了一声没冷。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:六月里一个炎热的傍晚,所有的窗户都敞开着,大学生亚瑟·勃尔顿正在比萨神学院的图书馆里翻查一大迭讲道稿。院长蒙太尼里神甫慈爱地注视着他。亚瑟出生在意大利的一个英国富商勃尔顿家中,名义上他是勃尔顿与后妻所生,但实则是后妻与蒙太尼里的私生子。亚瑟从小在家里受异母兄嫂的歧视,又看到母亲受他们的折磨和侮辱,精神上很不愉快,却始终不知道事情的真相。 [点击阅读]
章节:33 人气:0
摘要:那个男孩名叫圣狄雅各。日落时分他领着一群羊抵达了一座废弃的教堂。教堂圉顶看起来在很久前就已经塌落了,而曾经是更衣室的地方,如今却磐立着一株巨大的无花果树。他决定在此过夜。看着羊儿一一跳进门后,男孩在毁圯的门上横竖着一些木板,以防羊儿走失。这附近并没有狼,但若有羊只脱队,他可得花上一整天去找回来。他用夹克掸了掸地面,然后躺下来,头枕着一本才刚读完的书。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:有关物种起源的见解的发展史略关于物种起源的见解的发展情况,我将在这里进行扼要叙述。直到最近,大多数博物学者仍然相信物种(species)是不变的产物,并且是分别创造出来的。许多作者巧妙地支持了这一观点。另一方面,有些少数博物学者已相信物种经历着变异,而且相信现存生物类型都是既往生存类型所真正传下来的后裔。 [点击阅读]