For You to Read
安妮日记英文版 - SUNDAY, JULY 5, 1942
  SUNDAY, JULY 5, 1942Dear Kitty,The graduation ceremony in the Jewish Theater on Friday went as expected. My report card wasn't too bad. I got one D, a C- in algebra and all the rest B's, except for two B+'s and two B-'s. My parents are pleased, but they're not like other parents when it comes to grades. They never worry about report cards, good or bad. As long as I'm healthy and happy and don't talk back too much, they're satisfied. If these three things are all right, everything else will take care of itself.I'm just the opposite. I don't want to be a poor student. I was accepted to the Jewish Lyceum on a conditional basis. I was supposed to stay in the seventh grade at the Montessori School, but when Jewish children were required to go to Jewish schools, Mr. Elte finally agreed, after a great deal of persuasion, to accept Lies Goslar and me. Lies also passed this year, though she has to repeat her geometry exam.Poor Lies. It isn't easy for her to study at home; her baby sister, a spoiled little two-year-old, plays in her room all day. If Gabi doesn't get her way, she starts screaming, and if Lies doesn't look after her, Mrs. Goslar starts screaming. So Lies has a hard time doing her homework, and as long as that's the case, the tutoring she's been getting won't help much. The Goslar household is really a sight. Mrs. Goslar's parents live next door, but eat with the family. The there's a hired girl, the baby, the always absentminded and absent Mr. Goslar and the always nervous and irrita Ie Mrs. Goslar, who's expecting another baby. Lies, who's all thumbs, gets lost in the mayhem.My sister Margot has also gotten her report card.Brilliant, as usual. If we had such a thing as "cum laude," she would have passed with honors, she's so smart.Father has been home a lot lately. There's nothing for him to do at the office; it must be awful to feel you're not needed. Mr. Kleiman has taken over Opekta, and Mr. Kugler, Gies & Co., the company dealing in spices and spice substitutes that was set up in 1941.A few days ago, as we were taking a stroll around our neighborhood square, Father began to talk about going into hiding. He said it would be very hard for us to live cut off from the rest of the world. I asked him why he was bringing this up now."Well, Anne," he replied, "you know that for more than a year we've been bringing clothes, food and furniture to other people. We don't want our belongings to be seized by the Germans. Nor do we want to fall into their clutches ourselves. So we'll leave of our own accord and not wait to be hauled away.""But when, Father?" He sounded so serious that I felt scared."Don't you worry. We'll take care of everything. just enjoy your carefree life while you can."That was it. Oh, may these somber words not come true for as long as possible.The doorbell's ringing, Hello's here, time to stop.Yours, Anne
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摘要:第一章伏盖公寓一个夫家姓伏盖,娘家姓龚弗冷的老妇人,四十年来在巴黎开着一所兼包皮容饭的公寓,坐落在拉丁区与圣·玛梭城关之间的圣·日内维新街上。大家称为伏盖家的这所寄宿舍,男女老少,一律招留,从来没有为了风化问题受过飞短流长的攻击,可是三十年间也不曾有姑娘们寄宿;而且非要家庭给曲生活费少得可怜,才能使一个青年男子住到这儿来。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:天下精灵铸三戒,地底矮人得七戒,寿定凡人持九戒,魔多妖境暗影伏,闇王坐拥至尊戒。至尊戒,驭众戒;至尊戒,寻众戒,魔戒至尊引众戒,禁锢众戒黑暗中,魔多妖境暗影伏。※※※当袋底洞的比尔博·巴金斯先生宣布不久后会为自己一百一十一岁大寿举行盛大宴会时,哈比屯的居民都兴奋的议论纷纷。比尔博不但非常富有,更是个特立独行的奇人。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:在首部曲《魔戒远征队》中,记述了灰袍甘道夫发现哈比人佛罗多所拥有的戒指,其实正是至尊魔戒,统御所有权能之戒的魔戒之王。因此,佛罗多和伙伴们从夏尔一路被魔多的黑骑士追杀,最后,在伊利雅德的游侠亚拉冈的帮助下,他们终于克服万难,逃到了瑞文戴尔的爱隆居所。爱隆在该处慎重地举行了一场会议,决定将魔戒摧毁,佛罗多也被指派为魔戒持有者。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:这是魔戒三部曲的第二部分。在首部曲“魔戒现身”中,记述了灰袍甘道夫发现哈比人佛罗多所拥有的戒指其实正是至尊魔戒,统御所有权能之戒的魔戒之王。因此,佛罗多和伙伴们从夏尔一路被魔多的黑骑士追杀,最后,在伊利雅德的游侠亚拉冈的帮助下,他们终于克服万难,逃到了瑞文戴尔的爱隆居所去。爱隆在该处慎重的举行了一场会议,决定将魔戒摧毁;佛罗多也被指派为魔戒的持有者。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:我经常回想起收到第一封匿名信的那个早晨。信是早餐时分送来的,当时,时间对我来说过得非常慢,所以我做任何事都是慢条斯理,不慌不忙。我慢吞吞地拿起信,发现是本地寄出的,地址是用打字机打的。除了这封信之外,另外还有两封信,一封显然地帐单,另一封看得出是我那个无聊的堂兄写来的,所以我先看手上的这封。现在回想起来,乔安娜和我会对那封信特别感兴趣,倒是有点奇怪。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:你干得汗流满面,才能维持可怜生计,长年劳动,精疲力竭,如今死神召唤着你。这用古法文写成的四行诗,题在霍尔拜因①的一幅版画下面,朴实中蕴含着深沉的忧愁。这幅版画描绘一个农夫扶着犁把犁田。广袤的原野伸展到远方,在那边可以看到一些可怜的木板屋,太阳沉落到山丘后面。这是一天艰辛劳动的结尾。农夫虽然年老,却很粗壮,衣衫褴褛。他往前赶的四匹套在一起的马儿瘦骨嶙峋,有气没力;犁刀铲进高低不平的坚硬的泥土里。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:威尔拉着他母亲的手说:“快点,来吧……”但他的母亲畏缩不前,她还是害怕。威尔在暮色中打量着这条狭长的街道,街边是成排的房子,房前是小花园和方形篱笆,阳光在房子一侧的窗户上闪耀着,却将另一侧置于一片阴影之中。没有多少时间了,人们现在大概正在吃晚饭,周围很快就会出现别的孩子,会注意到他们,议论纷纷地盯着他们看。等待很危险,但他所能做的还是像往常那样劝她。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:1九月四日。重宗祐下午两点准时离开银行。银行座落在新宿第一百货大楼对面,位居繁华街道一角。重宗徒步朝歌舞伎町走去。他是去歌舞伎町那家叫吉野的餐厅出席定期的银行支店长会议的。这种宴会带有和睦的性质。聚会下午七时才开始。现在的时间尚早,重宗便拐进了一家电动弹子游艺室。他每月都要玩几次这种电子游戏。虽然他十分喜爱这项游乐,但怕别人笑话。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:以文字构筑的人生舞台──久生十兰曲辰先想一下,1902年的时候,《莫格街谋杀案》现世满一甲子,《血字的研究》刚出版十五年,推理小说正处在我们所谓的“光荣时代”;而即便《科学怪人》与H?G?威尔斯的眾多作品早已出现,但科幻(SF)这一个名词,却还要等到十几年后,才会开张营业,正式成为一个可以标识的文类;尽管爱丽丝当时已经追著兔子跑到了几十年, [点击阅读]
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摘要:《麦田的守望者》简介霍尔顿是出身于富裕中产阶级的十六岁少年,在第四次被开除出学校之后,不敢贸然回家,只身在美国最繁华的纽约城游荡了一天两夜,住小客店,逛夜总会,滥交女友,酗酒……他看到了资本主义社会的种种丑恶,接触了各式各样的人物,其中大部分是“假模假式的”伪君子。 [点击阅读]