For You to Read
  We have just attempted to restore, for the reader's benefit, that admirable church of Notre-Dame de paris.We have briefly pointed out the greater part of the beauties which it possessed in the fifteenth century, and which it lacks to-day; but we have omitted the principal thing,--the view of paris which was then to be obtained from the summits of its towers.That was, in fact,--when, after having long groped one's way up the dark spiral which perpendicularly pierces the thick wall of the belfries, one emerged, at last abruptly, upon one of the lofty platforms inundated with light and air,--that was, in fact, a fine picture which spread out, on all sides at once, before the eye; a spectacle ~sui generis~, of which those of our readers who have had the good fortune to see a Gothic city entire, complete, homogeneous,--a few of which still remain, Nuremberg in Bavaria and Vittoria in Spain,--can readily form an idea; or even smaller specimens, provided that they are well preserved,--Vitré in Brittany, Nordhausen in prussia.The paris of three hundred and fifty years ago--the paris of the fifteenth century--was already a gigantic city.We parisians generally make a mistake as to the ground which we think that we have gained, since paris has not increased much over one-third since the time of Louis XI.It has certainly lost more in beauty than it has gained in had its birth, as the reader knows, in that old island of the City which has the form of a cradle.The strand of that island was its first boundary wall, the Seine its first remained for many centuries in its island state, with two bridges, one on the north, the other on the south; and two bridge heads, which were at the same time its gates and its fortresses,--the Grand-Chatelet on the right bank, the petit-Chatelet on the left.Then, from the date of the kings of the first race, paris, being too cribbed and confined in its island, and unable to return thither, crossed the water.Then, beyond the Grand, beyond the petit-Chatelet, a first circle of walls and towers began to infringe upon the country on the two sides of the Seine.Some vestiges of this ancient enclosure still remained in the last century; to-day, only the memory of it is left, and here and there a tradition, the Baudets or Baudoyer gate, "porte Bagauda".Little by little, the tide of houses, always thrust from the heart of the city outwards, overflows, devours, wears away, and effaces this wall.philip Augustus makes a new dike for it.He imprisons paris in a circular chain of great towers, both lofty and solid.For the period of more than a century, the houses press upon each other, accumulate, and raise their level in this basin, like water in a reservoir.They begin to deepen; they pile story upon story; they mount upon each other; they gush forth at the top, like all laterally compressed growth, and there is a rivalry as to which shall thrust its head above its neighbors, for the sake of getting a little air.The street glows narrower and deeper, every space is overwhelmed and disappears.The houses finally leap the wall of philip Augustus, and scatter joyfully over the plain, without order, and all askew, like runaways.There they plant themselves squarely, cut themselves gardens from the fields, and take their ease.Beginning with 1367, the city spreads to such an extent into the suburbs, that a new wall becomes necessary, particularly on the right bank; Charles V. builds it.But a city like paris is perpetually growing.It is only such cities that become capitals.They are funnels, into which all the geographical, political, moral, and intellectual water-sheds of a country, all the natural slopes of a people, pour; wells of civilization, so to speak, and also sewers, where commerce, industry, intelligence, population,--all that is sap, all that is life, all that is the soul of a nation, filters and amasses unceasingly, drop by drop, century by century.So Charles V.'s wall suffered the fate of that of philip Augustus.At the end of the fifteenth century, the Faubourg strides across it, passes beyond it, and runs farther.In the sixteenth, it seems to retreat visibly, and to bury itself deeper and deeper in the old city, so thick had the new city already become outside of it.Thus, beginning with the fifteenth century, where our story finds us, paris had already outgrown the three concentric circles of walls which, from the time of Julian the Apostate, existed, so to speak, in germ in the Grand-Chatelet and the petit-Chatelet.The mighty city had cracked, in succession, its four enclosures of walls, like a child grown too large for his garments of last year.Under Louis XI., this sea of houses was seen to be pierced at intervals by several groups of ruined towers, from the ancient wall, like the summits of hills in an inundation,--like archipelagos of the old paris submerged beneath the new. Since that time paris has undergone yet another transformation, unfortunately for our eyes; but it has passed only one more wall, that of Louis XV., that miserable wall of mud and spittle, worthy of the king who built it, worthy of the poet who sung it,--~Le mur murant paris rend paris murmurant~.**The wall walling paris makes paris murmur.In the fifteenth century, paris was still divided into three wholly distinct and separate towns, each having its own physiognomy, its own specialty, its manners, customs, privileges, and history: the City, the University, the Town.The City, which occupied the island, was the most ancient, the smallest, and the mother of the other two, crowded in between them like (may we be pardoned the comparison) a little old woman between two large and handsome maidens.The University covered the left bank of the Seine, from the Tournelle to the Tour de Nesle, points which correspond in the paris of to-day, the one to the wine market, the other to the mint.Its wall included a large part of that plain where Julian had built his hot baths.The hill of Sainte-Geneviève was enclosed in it. The culminating point of this sweep of walls was the papal gate, that is to say, near the present site of the pantheon. The Town, which was the largest of the three fragments of paris, held the right bank.Its quay, broken or interrupted in many places, ran along the Seine, from the Tour de Billy to the Tour du Bois; that is to say, from the place where the granary stands to-day, to the present site of the Tuileries. These four points, where the Seine intersected the wall of the capital, the Tournelle and the Tour de Nesle on the right, the Tour de Billy and the Tour du Bois on the left, were called pre-eminently, "the four towers of paris."The Town encroached still more extensively upon the fields than the University. The culminating point of the Town wall (that of Charles V.) was at the gates of Saint-Denis and Saint-Martin, whose situation has not been changed.As we have just said, each of these three great divisions of paris was a town, but too special a town to be complete, a city which could not get along without the other two.Hence three entirely distinct aspects: churches abounded in the City; palaces, in the Town; and colleges, in the University.Neglecting here the originalities, of secondary importance in old paris, and the capricious regulations regarding the public highways, we will say, from a general point of view, taking only masses and the whole group, in this chaos of communal jurisdictions, that the island belonged to the bishop, the right bank to the provost of the merchants, the left bank to the Rector; over all ruled the provost of paris, a royal not a municipal official.The City had Notre-Dame; the Town, the Louvre and the H?tel de Ville; the University, the Sorbonne. The Town had the markets (Halles); the city, the Hospital; the University, the pré-aux-Clercs.Offences committed by the scholars on the left bank were tried in the law courts on the island, and were punished on the right bank at Montfau?on; unless the rector, feeling the university to be strong and the king weak, intervened; for it was the students' privilege to be hanged on their own grounds.The greater part of these privileges, it may be noted in passing, and there were some even better than the above, had been extorted from the kings by revolts and mutinies.It is the course of things from time immemorial; the king only lets go when the people tear away.There is an old charter which puts the matter naively: apropos of fidelity: ~Civibus fidelitas in reges, quoe tamen aliquoties seditionibus interrypta, multa peperit privileyia~.In the fifteenth century, the Seine bathed five islands within the walls of paris: Louviers island, where there were then trees, and where there is no longer anything but wood; l'ile aux Vaches, and l'ile Notre-Dame, both deserted, with the exception of one house, both fiefs of the bishop--in the seventeenth century, a single island was formed out of these two, which was built upon and named l'ile Saint-Louis--, lastly the City, and at its point, the little islet of the cow tender, which was afterwards engulfed beneath the platform of the pont-Neuf.The City then had five bridges: three on the right, the pont Notre-Dame, and the pont au Change, of stone, the pont aux Meuniers, of wood; two on the left, the petit pont, of stone, the pont Saint-Michel, of wood; all loaded with houses.The University had six gates, built by philip Augustus; there were, beginning with la Tournelle, the porte Saint- Victor, the porte Bordelle, the porte papale, the porte Saint- Jacques, the porte Saint-Michel, the porte Saint-Germain. The Town had six gates, built by Charles V.; beginning with the Tour de Billy they were: the porte Saint-Antoine, the porte du Temple, the porte Saint-Martin, the porte Saint-Denis, the porte Montmartre, the porte Saint-Honoré.All these gates were strong, and also handsome, which does not detract from strength.A large, deep moat, with a brisk current during the high water of winter, bathed the base of the wall round paris; the Seine furnished the water.At night, the gates were shut, the river was barred at both ends of the city with huge iron chains, and paris slept tranquilly.From a bird's-eye view, these three burgs, the City, the Town, and the University, each presented to the eye an inextricable skein of eccentrically tangled streets.Nevertheless, at first sight, one recognized the fact that these three fragments formed but one body.One immediately perceived three long parallel streets, unbroken, undisturbed, traversing, almost in a straight line, all three cities, from one end to the other; from North to South, perpendicularly, to the Seine, which bound them together, mingled them, infused them in each other, poured and transfused the people incessantly, from one to the other, and made one out of the three.The first of these streets ran from the porte Saint-Martin: it was called the Rue Saint-Jacques in the University, Rue de la Juiverie in the City, Rue Saint-Martin in the Town; it crossed the water twice, under the name of the petit pont and the pont Notre- Dame.The second, which was called the Rue de la Harpe on the left bank, Rue de la Barillerié in the island, Rue Saint- Denis on the right bank, pont Saint-Michel on one arm of the Seine, pont au Change on the other, ran from the porte Saint-Michel in the University, to the porte Saint-Denis in the Town.However, under all these names, there were but two streets, parent streets, generating streets,--the two arteries of paris.All the other veins of the triple city either derived their supply from them or emptied into them.Independently of these two principal streets, piercing paris diametrically in its whole breadth, from side to side, common to the entire capital, the City and the University had also each its own great special street, which ran lengthwise by them, parallel to the Seine, cutting, as it passed, at right angles, the two arterial thoroughfares.Thus, in the Town, one descended in a straight line from the porte Saint-Antoine to the porte Saint-Honoré; in the University from the porte Saint-Victor to the porte Saint-Germain.These two great thoroughfares intersected by the two first, formed the canvas upon which reposed, knotted and crowded together on every hand, the labyrinthine network of the streets of paris.In the incomprehensible plan of these streets, one distinguished likewise, on looking attentively, two clusters of great streets, like magnified sheaves of grain, one in the University, the other in the Town, which spread out gradually from the bridges to the gates.Some traces of this geometrical plan still exist to-day.Now, what aspect did this whole present, when, as viewed from the summit of the towers of Notre-Dame, in 1482? That we shall try to describe.For the spectator who arrived, panting, upon that pinnacle, it was first a dazzling confusing view of roofs, chimneys, streets, bridges, places, spires, bell towers.Everything struck your eye at once: the carved gable, the pointed roof, the turrets suspended at the angles of the walls; the stone pyramids of the eleventh century, the slate obelisks of the fifteenth; the round, bare tower of the donjon keep; the square and fretted tower of the church; the great and the little, the massive and the aerial.The eye was, for a long time, wholly lost in this labyrinth, where there was nothing which did not possess its originality, its reason, its genius, its beauty,--nothing which did not proceed from art; beginning with the smallest house, with its painted and carved front, with external beams, elliptical door, with projecting stories, to the royal Louvre, which then had a colonnade of towers.But these are the principal masses which were then to be distinguished when the eye began to accustom itself to this tumult of edifices.In the first place, the City.--"The island of the City," as Sauval says, who, in spite of his confused medley, sometimes has such happy turns of expression,--"the island of the city is made like a great ship, stuck in the mud and run aground in the current, near the centre of the Seine."We have just explained that, in the fifteenth century, this ship was anchored to the two banks of the river by five bridges.This form of a ship had also struck the heraldic scribes; for it is from that, and not from the siege by the Normans, that the ship which blazons the old shield of paris, comes, according to Favyn and pasquier.For him who understands how to decipher them, armorial bearings are algebra, armorial bearings have a tongue.The whole history of the second half of the Middle Ages is written in armorial bearings,--the first half is in the symbolism of the Roman churches.They are the hieroglyphics of feudalism, succeeding those of theocracy.Thus the City first presented itself to the eye, with its stern to the east, and its prow to the west.Turning towards the prow, one had before one an innumerable flock of ancient roofs, over which arched broadly the lead-covered apse of the Sainte-Chapelle, like an elephant's haunches loaded with its tower.Only here, this tower was the most audacious, the most open, the most ornamented spire of cabinet-maker's work that ever let the sky peep through its cone of lace.In front of Notre-Dame, and very near at hand, three streets opened into the cathedral square,--a fine square, lined with ancient houses.Over the south side of this place bent the wrinkled and sullen fa?ade of the H?tel Dieu, and its roof, which seemed covered with warts and pustules.Then, on the right and the left, to east and west, within that wall of the City, which was yet so contracted, rose the bell towers of its one and twenty churches, of every date, of every form, of every size, from the low and wormeaten belfry of Saint-Denis du pas (~Carcer Glaueini~) to the slender needles of Saint-pierre aux Boeufs and Saint-Landry.Behind Notre-Dame, the cloister and its Gothic galleries spread out towards the north; on the south, the half-Roman palace of the bishop; on the east, the desert point of the Terrain.In this throng of houses the eye also distinguished, by the lofty open-work mitres of stone which then crowned the roof itself, even the most elevated windows of the palace, the H?tel given by the city, under Charles VI., to Juvénal des Ursins; a little farther on, the pitch-covered sheds of the palus Market; in still another quarter the new apse of Saint- Germain le Vieux, lengthened in 1458, with a bit of the Rue aux Febves; and then, in places, a square crowded with people; a pillory, erected at the corner of a street; a fine fragment of the pavement of philip Augustus, a magnificent flagging, grooved for the horses' feet, in the middle of the road, and so badly replaced in the sixteenth century by the miserable cobblestones, called the "pavement of the League;" a deserted back courtyard, with one of those diaphanous staircase turrets, such as were erected in the fifteenth century, one of which is still to be seen in the Rue des Bourdonnais. Lastly, at the right of the Sainte-Chapelle, towards the west, the palais de Justice rested its group of towers at the edge of the water.The thickets of the king's gardens, which covered the western point of the City, masked the Island du passeur.As for the water, from the summit of the towers of Notre-Dame one hardly saw it, on either side of the City; the Seine was hidden by bridges, the bridges by houses.And when the glance passed these bridges, whose roofs were visibly green, rendered mouldy before their time by the vapors from the water, if it was directed to the left, towards the University, the first edifice which struck it was a large, low sheaf of towers, the petit-Chàtelet, whose yawning gate devoured the end of the petit-pont.Then, if your view ran along the bank, from east to west, from the Tournelle to the Tour de Nesle, there was a long cordon of houses, with carved beams, stained-glass windows, each story projecting over that beneath it, an interminable zigzag of bourgeois gables, frequently interrupted by the mouth of a street, and from time to time also by the front or angle of a huge stone mansion, planted at its ease, with courts and gardens, wings and detached buildings, amid this populace of crowded and narrow houses, like a grand gentleman among a throng of rustics. There were five or six of these mansions on the quay, from the house of Lorraine, which shared with the Bernardins the grand enclosure adjoining the Tournelle, to the H?tel de Nesle, whose principal tower ended paris, and whose pointed roofs were in a position, during three months of the year, to encroach, with their black triangles, upon the scarlet disk of the setting sun.This side of the Seine was, however, the least mercantile of the two.Students furnished more of a crowd and more noise there than artisans, and there was not, properly speaking, any quay, except from the pont Saint-Michel to the Tour de Nesle.The rest of the bank of the Seine was now a naked strand, the same as beyond the Bernardins; again, a throng of houses, standing with their feet in the water, as between the two bridges.
章节:57 人气:0
摘要:柳鸣九文学的作用在于向别人展示作家自己所看待的世界。这部小说的一个人物曾经这样认为:“为什么不动笔创作一部时间与地点明确、而且具有一定意义的小说呢?叙述一个当今的故事,读者可以从中看到自己的忧虑,发现自己的问题,既不去揭示什么,也不去鼓动什么,仅仅作为一个见证。”这个人物这样思忖着。 [点击阅读]
章节:20 人气:0
摘要:东欧,一四六二年自从她的王子骑马出征后,伊丽莎白王妃每晚都被血腥恐怖的恶梦折磨。每一夜,王妃会尽可能保持清醒;然而等她再也撑不住而合眼睡去后,她很快便会发现自己徘徊在死尸遍野、处处断肢残臂的梦魇中。她又尽力不去看那些伤兵的脸——然而,又一次,她被迫看到其中一人。永远是他那张伤痕累累的囚犯的脸,然后伊丽莎白便在尖叫声中醒来。 [点击阅读]
章节:8 人气:0
摘要:我所有的东西都带在身边。换句话说:属于我的一切都与我如影随行。当时我把所有的家当都带上了。说是我的,其实它们原先并不属于我。它们要么是改装过的,要么是别人的。猪皮行李箱是以前装留声机用的。薄大衣是父亲的。领口镶着丝绒滚边的洋气大衣是祖父的。灯笼裤是埃德温叔叔的。皮绑腿是邻居卡尔普先生的。绿羊毛手套是费妮姑姑的。只有酒红色的真丝围巾和小收纳包皮是我自己的,是前一年圣诞节收到的礼物。 [点击阅读]
章节:43 人气:0
摘要:夏洛蒂和传记作者告诉我们,爱米丽生性*独立、豁达、纯真、刚毅、热情而又内向。她颇有男儿气概,酷爱自己生长其间的荒原,平素在离群索居中,除去手足情谊,最喜与大自然为友,从她的诗和一生行为,都可见她天人合一宇宙观与人生观的表现,有人因此而将她视为神秘主义者。 [点击阅读]
章节:27 人气:0
摘要:在月台上,麦克吉利克蒂太太跟着那个替她担箱子的脚夫气喘吁吁地走着。她这人又矮又胖;那个脚夫很高,从容不迫,大踏步,只顾往前走。不但如此,麦克吉利克蒂太太还有大包小包的东西,非常累赘。那是一整天采购的圣诞礼物。因此,他们两个人的竟走速度是非常悬殊的。那个脚夫在月台尽头转弯的时候,麦克吉利克蒂太太仍在月台上一直往前赶呢。当时第一号月台上的人不挤,本来没什么不对。 [点击阅读]
章节:31 人气:0
摘要:埃米莉-阿伦德尔——小绿房子的女主人。威廉明娜-劳森(明尼)——阿伦德尔小姐的随身女侍。贝拉-比格斯——阿伦德尔小姐的外甥女,塔尼奥斯夫人。雅各布-塔尼奥斯医生——贝拉的丈夫。特里萨-阿伦德尔——阿伦德尔小姐的侄女。查尔斯-阿伦德尔——阿伦德尔小姐的侄子。约翰-莱弗顿-阿伦德尔——阿伦德尔小姐的父亲(已去世)。卡罗琳-皮博迪——阿伦德尔小姐的女友。雷克斯-唐纳森医生——特里萨的未婚夫。 [点击阅读]
章节:9 人气:0
摘要:初、高中的同班同学——现在长门市市政府下属的社会教育科工作的古川麻里那儿得知了这一消息。麻里在电话里说:“哎,我是昨天在赤崎神社的南条舞蹈节上突然遇到她的,她好像在白谷宾馆上班呢。”关于南条舞蹈的来历,有这么一段典故,据说战国时期,吉川元春将军在伯老的羽衣石城攻打南条元续时,吉川让手下的土兵数十人装扮成跳舞的混进城,顺利击败了南条军。 [点击阅读]
章节:195 人气:0
摘要:○威廉·赫兹里特随着年岁的增多,我们越来越深切地感到时间的宝贵。确实,世上任何别的东西,都没有时间重要。对待时间,我们也变得吝啬起来。我们企图阻挡时间老人的最后的蹒跚脚步,让他在墓穴的边缘多停留片刻。不息的生命长河怎么竟会干涸?我们百思不得其解。 [点击阅读]
章节:8 人气:0
摘要:威廉·福克纳(WilliamFaulkner,1897-1962)是美国现代最重要的小说家之一。他出生在南方一个没落的庄园主家庭。第一次世界大战时,他参加过加拿大皇家空军。复员后,上了一年大学,以后做过各种工作,同时业余从事写作。他最早的两本小说是当时流行的文学潮流影响下的作品,本身没有太多的特点。 [点击阅读]
章节:47 人气:0
摘要:当嘉洛林.米贝登上下午开往芝加哥的火车时,她的全部行装包皮括一个小箱子,一个廉价的仿鳄鱼皮挎包皮,一小纸盒午餐和一个黄皮弹簧钱包皮,里面装着她的车票,一张写有她姐姐在凡.布仑街地址的小纸条,还有四块现钱.那是!”889年8月.她才!”8岁,聪明,胆怯,由于无知和年轻,充满着种种幻想.尽管她在离家时依依不舍,家乡可没有什么好处让她难以割舍. [点击阅读]