For You to Read
  There was a great uproar of laundresses; they screamed, and talked, and sang from morning till night along the beach, and beat a great deal of linen there, just as in our day. This is not the least of the gayeties of paris.The University presented a dense mass to the eye.From one end to the other, it was homogeneous and compact.The thousand roofs, dense, angular, clinging to each other, composed, nearly all, of the same geometrical element, offered, when viewed from above, the aspect of a crystallization of the same substance.The capricious ravine of streets did not cut this block of houses into too disproportionate slices.The forty-two colleges were scattered about in a fairly equal manner, and there were some everywhere.The amusingly varied crests of these beautiful edifices were the product of the same art as the simple roofs which they overshot, and were, actually, only a multiplication of the square or the cube of the same geometrical figure.Hence they complicated the whole effect, without disturbing it; completed, without overloading it. Geometry is harmony.Some fine mansions here and there made magnificent outlines against the picturesque attics of the left bank.The house of Nevers, the house of Rome, the house of Reims, which have disappeared; the H?tel de Cluny, which still exists, for the consolation of the artist, and whose tower was so stupidly deprived of its crown a few years ago. Close to Cluny, that Roman palace, with fine round arches, were once the hot baths of Julian.There were a great many abbeys, of a beauty more devout, of a grandeur more solemn than the mansions, but not less beautiful, not less grand. Those which first caught the eye were the Bernardins, with their three bell towers; Sainte-Geneviève, whose square tower, which still exists, makes us regret the rest; the Sorbonne, half college, half monastery, of which so admirable a nave survives; the fine quadrilateral cloister of the Mathurins; its neighbor, the cloister of Saint-Benoit, within whose walls they have had time to cobble up a theatre, between the seventh and eighth editions of this book; the Cordeliers, with their three enormous adjacent gables; the Augustins, whose graceful spire formed, after the Tour de Nesle, the second denticulation on this side of paris, starting from the west. The colleges, which are, in fact, the intermediate ring between the cloister and the world, hold the middle position in the monumental series between the H?tels and the abbeys, with a severity full of elegance, sculpture less giddy than the palaces, an architecture less severe than the convents.Unfortunately, hardly anything remains of these monuments, where Gothic art combined with so just a balance, richness and economy. The churches (and they were numerous and splendid in the University, and they were graded there also in all the ages of architecture, from the round arches of Saint-Julian to the pointed arches of Saint-Séverin), the churches dominated the whole; and, like one harmony more in this mass of harmonies, they pierced in quick succession the multiple open work of the gables with slashed spires, with open-work bell towers, with slender pinnacles, whose line was also only a magnificent exaggeration of the acute angle of the roofs.The ground of the University was hilly; Mount Sainte- Geneviève formed an enormous mound to the south; and it was a sight to see from the summit of Notre-Dame how that throng of narrow and tortuous streets (to-day the Latin Quarter), those bunches of houses which, spread out in every direction from the top of this eminence, precipitated themselves in disorder, and almost perpendicularly down its flanks, nearly to the water's edge, having the air, some of falling, others of clambering up again, and all of holding to one another.A continual flux of a thousand black points which passed each other on the pavements made everything move before the eyes; it was the populace seen thus from aloft and afar.Lastly, in the intervals of these roofs, of these spires, of these accidents of numberless edifices, which bent and writhed, and jagged in so eccentric a manner the extreme line of the University, one caught a glimpse, here and there, of a great expanse of moss-grown wall, a thick, round tower, a crenellated city gate, shadowing forth the fortress; it was the wall of philip Augustus.Beyond, the fields gleamed green; beyond, fled the roads, along which were scattered a few more suburban houses, which became more infrequent as they became more distant.Some of these faubourgs were important: there were, first, starting from la Tournelle, the Bourg Saint-Victor, with its one arch bridge over the Bièvre, its abbey where one could read the epitaph of Louis le Gros, ~epitaphium Ludovici Grossi~, and its church with an octagonal spire, flanked with four little bell towers of the eleventh century (a similar one can be seen at Etampes; it is not yet destroyed); next, the Bourg Saint- Marceau, which already had three churches and one convent; then, leaving the mill of the Gobelins and its four white walls on the left, there was the Faubourg Saint-Jacques with the beautiful carved cross in its square; the church of Saint- Jacques du Haut-pas, which was then Gothic, pointed, charming; Saint-Magloire, a fine nave of the fourteenth century, which Napoleon turned into a hayloft; Notre-Dame des Champs, where there were Byzantine mosaics; lastly, after having left behind, full in the country, the Monastery des Chartreux, a rich edifice contemporary with the palais de Justice, with its little garden divided into compartments, and the haunted ruins of Vauvert, the eye fell, to the west, upon the three Roman spires of Saint-Germain des prés.The Bourg Saint-Germain, already a large community, formed fifteen or twenty streets in the rear; the pointed bell tower of Saint- Sulpice marked one corner of the town.Close beside it one descried the quadrilateral enclosure of the fair of Saint- Germain, where the market is situated to-day; then the abbot's pillory, a pretty little round tower, well capped with a leaden cone; the brickyard was further on, and the Rue du Four, which led to the common bakehouse, and the mill on its hillock, and the lazar house, a tiny house, isolated and half seen.But that which attracted the eye most of all, and fixed it for a long time on that point, was the abbey itself.It is certain that this monastery, which had a grand air, both as a church and as a seignory; that abbatial palace, where the bishops of paris counted themselves happy if they could pass the night; that refectory, upon which the architect had bestowed the air, the beauty, and the rose window of a cathedral; that elegant chapel of the Virgin; that monumental dormitory; those vast gardens; that portcullis; that drawbridge; that envelope of battlements which notched to the eye the verdure of the surrounding meadows; those courtyards, where gleamed men at arms, intermingled with golden copes;--the whole grouped and clustered about three lofty spires, with round arches, well planted upon a Gothic apse, made a magnificent figure against the horizon.When, at length, after having contemplated the University for a long time, you turned towards the right bank, towards the Town, the character of the spectacle was abruptly altered. The Town, in fact much larger than the University, was also less of a unit.At the first glance, one saw that it was divided into many masses, singularly distinct.First, to the eastward, in that part of the town which still takes its name from the marsh where Camulogènes entangled Caesar, was a pile of palaces.The block extended to the very water's edge.Four almost contiguous H?tels, Jouy, Sens, Barbeau, the house of the Queen, mirrored their slate peaks, broken with slender turrets, in the Seine.These four edifices filled the space from the Rue des Nonaindières, to the abbey of the Celestins, whose spire gracefully relieved their line of gables and battlements.A few miserable, greenish hovels, hanging over the water in front of these sumptuous H?tels, did not prevent one from seeing the fine angles of their fa?ades, their large, square windows with stone mullions, their pointed porches overloaded with statues, the vivid outlines of their walls, always clear cut, and all those charming accidents of architecture, which cause Gothic art to have the air of beginning its combinations afresh with every monument.Behind these palaces, extended in all directions, now broken, fenced in, battlemented like a citadel, now veiled by great trees like a Carthusian convent, the immense and multiform enclosure of that miraculous H?tel de Saint-pol, where the King of France possessed the means of lodging superbly two and twenty princes of the rank of the dauphin and the Duke of Burgundy, with their domestics and their suites, without counting the great lords, and the emperor when he came to view paris, and the lions, who had their separate H?tel at the royal H?tel.Let us say here that a prince's apartment was then composed of never less than eleven large rooms, from the chamber of state to the oratory, not to mention the galleries, baths, vapor-baths, and other "superfluous places," with which each apartment was provided; not to mention the private gardens for each of the king's guests; not to mention the kitchens, the cellars, the domestic offices, the general refectories of the house, the poultry-yards, where there were twenty-two general laboratories, from the bakehouses to the wine-cellars; games of a thousand sorts, malls, tennis, and riding at the ring; aviaries, fishponds, menageries, stables, barns, libraries, arsenals and foundries.This was what a king's palace, a Louvre, a H?tel de Saint-pol was then.A city within a city.From the tower where we are placed, the H?tel Saint-pol, almost half hidden by the four great houses of which we have just spoken, was still very considerable and very marvellous to see.One could there distinguish, very well, though cleverly united with the principal building by long galleries, decked with painted glass and slender columns, the three H?tels which Charles V. had amalgamated with his palace: the H?tel du petit-Muce, with the airy balustrade, which formed a graceful border to its roof; the H?tel of the Abbe de Saint-Maur, having the vanity of a stronghold, a great tower, machicolations, loopholes, iron gratings, and over the large Saxon door, the armorial bearings of the abbé, between the two mortises of the drawbridge; the H?tel of the Comte d' Etampes, whose donjon keep, ruined at its summit, was rounded and notched like a cock's comb; here and there, three or four ancient oaks, forming a tuft together like enormous cauliflowers; gambols of swans, in the clear water of the fishponds, all in folds of light and shade; many courtyards of which one beheld picturesque bits; the H?tel of the Lions, with its low, pointed arches on short, Saxon pillars, its iron gratings and its perpetual roar; shooting up above the whole, the scale- ornamented spire of the Ave-Maria; on the left, the house of the provost of paris, flanked by four small towers, delicately grooved, in the middle; at the extremity, the H?tel Saint-pol, properly speaking, with its multiplied fa?ades, its successive enrichments from the time of Charles V., the hybrid excrescences, with which the fancy of the architects had loaded it during the last two centuries, with all the apses of its chapels, all the gables of its galleries, a thousand weathercocks for the four winds, and its two lofty contiguous towers, whose conical roof, surrounded by battlements at its base, looked like those pointed caps which have their edges turned up.Continuing to mount the stories of this amphitheatre of palaces spread out afar upon the ground, after crossing a deep ravine hollowed out of the roofs in the Town, which marked the passage of the Rue Saint-Antoine, the eye reached the house of Angoulême, a vast construction of many epochs, where there were perfectly new and very white parts, which melted no better into the whole than a red patch on a blue doublet.Nevertheless, the remarkably pointed and lofty roof of the modern palace, bristling with carved eaves, covered with sheets of lead, where coiled a thousand fantastic arabesques of sparkling incrustations of gilded bronze, that roof, so curiously damascened, darted upwards gracefully from the midst of the brown ruins of the ancient edifice; whose huge and ancient towers, rounded by age like casks, sinking together with old age, and rending themselves from top to bottom, resembled great bellies unbuttoned.Behind rose the forest of spires of the palais des Tournelles.Not a view in the world, either at Chambord or at the Alhambra, is more magic, more aerial, more enchanting, than that thicket of spires, tiny bell towers, chimneys, weather-vanes, winding staircases, lanterns through which the daylight makes its way, which seem cut out at a blow, pavilions, spindle-shaped turrets, or, as they were then called, "tournelles," all differing in form, in height, and attitude.One would have pronounced it a gigantic stone chess-board.To the right of the Tournelles, that truss of enormous towers, black as ink, running into each other and tied, as it were, by a circular moat; that donjon keep, much more pierced with loopholes than with windows; that drawbridge, always raised; that portcullis, always lowered,--is the Bastille. Those sorts of black beaks which project from between the battlements, and which you take from a distance to be cave spouts, are cannons.Beneath them, at the foot of the formidable edifice, behold the porte Sainte-Antoine, buried between its two towers.Beyond the Tournelles, as far as the wall of Charles V., spread out, with rich compartments of verdure and of flowers, a velvet carpet of cultivated land and royal parks, in the midst of which one recognized, by its labyrinth of trees and alleys, the famous Daedalus garden which Louis XI. had given to Coictier.The doctor's observatory rose above the labyrinth like a great isolated column, with a tiny house for a capital.Terrible astrologies took place in that laboratory.There to-day is the place Royale.As we have just said, the quarter of the palace, of which we have just endeavored to give the reader some idea by indicating only the chief points, filled the angle which Charles V.'s wall made with the Seine on the east.The centre of the Town was occupied by a pile of houses for the populace. It was there, in fact, that the three bridges disgorged upon the right bank, and bridges lead to the building of houses rather than palaces.That congregation of bourgeois habitations, pressed together like the cells in a hive, had a beauty of its own.It is with the roofs of a capital as with the waves of the sea,--they are grand.First the streets, crossed and entangled, forming a hundred amusing figures in the block; around the market-place, it was like a star with a thousand rays.The Rues Saint-Denis and Saint-Martin, with their innumerable ramifications, rose one after the other, like trees intertwining their branches; and then the tortuous lines, the Rues de la platrerie, de la Verrerie, de la Tixeranderie, etc., meandered over all.There were also fine edifices which pierced the petrified undulations of that sea of gables.At the head of the pont aux Changeurs, behind which one beheld the Seine foaming beneath the wheels of the pont aux Meuniers, there was the Chalelet, no longer a Roman tower, as under Julian the Apostate, but a feudal tower of the thirteenth century, and of a stone so hard that the pickaxe could not break away so much as the thickness of the fist in a space of three hours; there was the rich square bell tower of Saint- Jacques de la Boucherie, with its angles all frothing with carvings, already admirable, although it was not finished in the fifteenth century.(It lacked, in particular, the four monsters, which, still perched to-day on the corners of its roof, have the air of so many sphinxes who are propounding to new paris the riddle of the ancient paris.Rault, the sculptor, only placed them in position in 1526, and received twenty francs for his pains.) There was the Maison-aux-piliers, the pillar House, opening upon that place de Grève of which we have given the reader some idea; there was Saint-Gervais, which a front "in good taste" has since spoiled; Saint-Méry, whose ancient pointed arches were still almost round arches; Saint-Jean, whose magnificent spire was proverbial; there were twenty other monuments, which did not disdain to bury their wonders in that chaos of black, deep, narrow streets. Add the crosses of carved stone, more lavishly scattered through the squares than even the gibbets; the cemetery of the Innocents, whose architectural wall could be seen in the distance above the roofs; the pillory of the Markets, whose top was visible between two chimneys of the Rue de la Cossonnerie; the ladder of the Croix-du-Trahoir, in its square always black with people; the circular buildings of the wheat mart; the fragments of philip Augustus's ancient wall, which could be made out here and there, drowned among the houses, its towers gnawed by ivy, its gates in ruins, with crumbling and deformed stretches of wall; the quay with its thousand shops, and its bloody knacker's yards; the Seine encumbered with boats, from the port au Foin to port-l'Evêque, and you will have a confused picture of what the central trapezium of the Town was like in 1482.With these two quarters, one of H?tels, the other of houses, the third feature of aspect presented by the city was a long zone of abbeys, which bordered it in nearly the whole of its circumference, from the rising to the setting sun, and, behind the circle of fortifications which hemmed in paris, formed a second interior enclosure of convents and chapels.Thus, immediately adjoining the park des Tournelles, between the Rue Saint-Antoine and the Vielle Rue du Temple, there stood Sainte-Catherine, with its immense cultivated lands, which were terminated only by the wall of paris.Between the old and the new Rue du Temple, there was the Temple, a sinister group of towers, lofty, erect, and isolated in the middle of a vast, battlemented enclosure.Between the Rue Neuve-du- Temple and the Rue Saint-Martin, there was the Abbey of Saint-Martin, in the midst of its gardens, a superb fortified church, whose girdle of towers, whose diadem of bell towers, yielded in force and splendor only to Saint-Germain des prés.Between the Rue Saint-Martin and the Rue Saint- Denis, spread the enclosure of the Trinité.Lastly, between the Rue Saint-Denis, and the Rue Montorgueil, stood the Filles-Dieu.On one side, the rotting roofs and unpaved enclosure of the Cour des Miracles could be descried.It was the sole profane ring which was linked to that devout chain of convents.Finally, the fourth compartment, which stretched itself out in the agglomeration of the roofs on the right bank, and which occupied the western angle of the enclosure, and the banks of the river down stream, was a fresh cluster of palaces and H?tels pressed close about the base of the Louvre.The old Louvre of philip Augustus, that immense edifice whose great tower rallied about it three and twenty chief towers, not to reckon the lesser towers, seemed from a distance to be enshrined in the Gothic roofs of the H?tel d'Alen?on, and the petit-Bourbon.This hydra of towers, giant guardian of paris, with its four and twenty heads, always erect, with its monstrous haunches, loaded or scaled with slates, and all streaming with metallic reflections, terminated with wonderful effect the configuration of the Town towards the west.
章节:18 人气:0
摘要:柏拉图(公元前427年-347年)是古希腊的大哲学家,苏格拉底(公元前469年-399年)①的学生,亚里士多德(公元前384年-322年)的老师。他一生大部分时间居住在古希腊民族文化中心的雅典。他热爱祖国,热爱哲学。他的最高理想,哲学家应为政治家,政治家应为哲学家。哲学家不是躲在象牙塔里的书呆,应该学以致用,求诸实践。有哲学头脑的人,要有政权,有政权的人,要有哲学头脑。 [点击阅读]
章节:59 人气:0
摘要:【作者简介】简·奥斯汀(1775~1817)英国女小说家。生于乡村小镇斯蒂文顿,父亲是当地教区牧师。奥斯丁没有上过正规学校,在父母指导下阅读了大量文学作品。她20岁左右开始写作,共发表了6部长篇小说。1811年出版的《理智和情感》是她的处女作,随后又接连发表了《傲慢与偏见》(1813)、《曼斯菲尔德花园》(1814)和《爱玛》(1815)。 [点击阅读]
章节:38 人气:0
摘要:猛兽们从深邃的山谷走来看着熟睡中的少女——威廉?布莱克紧挨着雪线有一个杜鹃花遮蔽的山谷,山谷里哗啦啦地流淌着一条乳白色的雪水融化而成的小溪,鸽子和红雀在巨大的松树间飞翔,在岩石和其下簇拥着的又直又硬的树叶间半遮半掩着一个洞。 [点击阅读]
章节:24 人气:0
摘要:这本书的思想是崇尚简朴生活,热爱大自然的风光,内容丰厚,意义深远,语言生动,意境深邃,就像是个智慧的老人,闪现哲理灵光,又有高山流水那样的境界。书中记录了作者隐居瓦尔登湖畔,与大自然水-乳-交融、在田园生活中感知自然重塑自我的奇异历程。读本书,能引领人进入一个澄明、恬美、素雅的世界。亨利·戴维·梭罗(1817-1862),美国超验主义作家。 [点击阅读]
章节:18 人气:0
摘要:——读米兰·昆德拉《生活在别处》吕新雨生存于人类的文化传统之中,我们对于"诗"、"抒情"、"美"这样的字眼,总是保持着崇高的故意。人类不仅具有抒情的能力,而且具有这种需要,基于生存的需要。这样抒情诗就不仅仅是一个美学问题,而且是一个具有存在论性质的问题,抒情态度成为人类的一种生存范畴。 [点击阅读]
章节:14 人气:0
摘要:纪德是个不可替代的榜样在二十世纪法国作家中,若论哪一位最活跃,最独特,最重要,最喜欢颠覆,最爱惹是生非,最复杂,最多变,从而也最难捉摸,那么几乎可以肯定,非安德烈·纪德莫属。纪德的一生及其作品所构成的世界,就是一座现代的迷宫。这座迷宫迷惑了多少评论家,甚至迷惑诺贝尔文学奖评委们长达三十余年。这里顺便翻一翻诺贝尔文学奖这本老账,只为从一个侧面说明纪德为人和为文的复杂性,在他的迷宫里迷途不足为奇。 [点击阅读]
章节:19 人气:0
摘要:对于性,少男们由于难以抑制自己而感到不安;与此同时,他们又抱有尝试性爱的愿望。因此,他们的实情是:置身于这两种互相矛盾的情感的夹缝中苦苦思索,闷闷不乐。无论男性还是女性,成长为响当当的人是极其不易的。在此,我们所说的“响当当的人”指的是无论在肉体还是在精神方面都健康且成熟的男人和女人。在成人之前,人,无一例外要逾越形形色色的障碍、壁垒。 [点击阅读]
章节:26 人气:0
摘要:大战末期,我在埃及认识了苏菲亚-里奥奈兹。她在当地领事馆某部门担任一个相当高的管理职位。第一次见到她是在一个正式场会里,不久我便了解到她那令她登上那个职位的办事效率,尽管她还很年轻(当时她才二十二岁)。除了外貌让人看来极为顺眼之外,她还拥有清晰的头脑和令我觉得非常愉快的一本正经的幽默感。她是一个令人觉得特别容易交谈的对象,我们在一起吃过几次饭,偶尔跳跳舞,过得非常愉快。 [点击阅读]
章节:69 人气:0
摘要:肖韦宏瑞典皇家学院将1970年度的诺贝尔文学奖授予苏联作家索尔仁尼琴,从而使前苏联与西方之间继“帕斯捷尔纳克事件”之后又一次出现了冷战的局面。从那时以来,索尔仁尼琴也由一个“持不同政见者”变为“流亡作家”,其创作活动变得更为复杂,更为引人注目。索尔仁尼琴于1918年12月11日生于北高加索的基斯洛沃茨克市。父亲曾在沙俄军队中供职,战死在德国;母亲系中学教员。 [点击阅读]
章节:10 人气:0
摘要:诡怪的开场白此刻,在我面前,这所监狱里的心地善良的囚犯教诲师,正笑容可掬地等待着我开始讲述我的冗长的故事;在我旁边,教诲师委托的熟练的速记员已削好铅笔,正期待我开口。我要从现在起,按照善良的教诲师的劝告,一天讲一点,连日讲述我的不可思议的经历。教诲师说他想让人把我的口述速记下来,以后编成一部书出版。我也希望能那样。因为我的经历怪诞离奇,简直是世人做梦都想不到的。 [点击阅读]